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Morvath as a major NPC


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I read that Morvath, the flavorless NPC vampire you kill in morthal, actually has a great backstory that they did not do anything with in the vanilla game.



morvath is found in Immortal Blood. He was the famous vampire hunter who gets turned at the end of the book.



You could do so much with that fact!


I am not a modder, but I am good storyteller. there are so many directions you could go with the morthal/morvath quest!




they do not explore how morvath got from "vampire hunter" to "master vampire who wants to take over an entire town"


my brain was flooded with possiblities.


1) it would be a great questline in which to become a vampire.

2) how did he get all evil? we know that the count in skingrad was not evil. what made morvath go so dark?


3) redeem or join morvath. it would be awesome if there were one or two different ways to have a conversation with morvath.


a) fight your way to him, and then he has scripted dialogue start.

b) add into the quest the option of looking for the book immortal blood once you find out who the master vampire is.


then you could try and persuade him to change his ways, or join him.


4) what about an option where he and a few of his underlings (the ones you don't end up having to kill) make a deal with the town for a blood supply?

and over something in return (money, protection, whatever you dream up)


anyway, people talk about wanting vampire quests. I think morvath would be a really good way to hook into existing lore.

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