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In response to post #43562570. #43562700, #43562890, #43564045, #43564600, #43570665, #43570905, #43571205, #43571390, #43572610, #43573445, #43575250, #43576535, #43587975 are all replies on the same post.

Pelopida wrote: 2 things.
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.
2) At this point, i believe a lot of people, aswell as me, have a nearly-infinite list "tracked" mods, in the apposite nexus tab. Yet there is no real search button for that tab. Can you implement the same "categories" filter for the "tracked mods" tab? That would be so sweet.

Thank you for all your work.
mfeile1974 wrote: I second this
Knarrow wrote: Sounds like a great idea.
captangan wrote: +1
zanyoutlaw wrote: Me too.
rayquaza94 wrote: That idea I proposed some time ago
Dark0ne wrote:
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.

Can you explain this one more? You only need one account, and they are linked across the sites and the forum so if you login to one, you're logged in to the other.
Dragonetti wrote: +1 ;) for these propositions. :)
Pelopida wrote: Oh, really? Damn... so i guess it's bugged for me... whenever i'm logged in (or im not, doesn't matter) on the site, it doesn't connect me automatically to the forum. Like, in this very moment i'm logged to the site but not logged on the forums (i don't even remember the password lol). It was always like this for me, so i guessed it was meant to work this way.
NeoH4x0r wrote:

Can you explain this one more? You only need one account' date=' and they are linked across the sites and the forum so if you login to one, you're logged in to the other.
I can confirm that being logged into www.nexusmods.com does not mean that you are also logged into forums.nexusmods.com.

I was logged in while looking at a user's profile on www.nexusmods.com and clicked the link to see their forum profile -- when I did this I got this message "Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" -- because I was not logged into the forum site.

Once I logged into the forum's site I could see their profile.

powerchimp1 wrote: YES! Another vote for this.

And for the love of Talos, the ability to see all your posts / comments so you can click straight to them and see if anyone's replied.
Dark0ne wrote: The login cookie is made when you use the login form on the site. If you haven't logged in to the site for a while then log out, then log in again, and see if its logged you in to the forums too.

If you aren't logged in after doing that then let me know, as that's a bug.
Pelopida wrote: Oh, you are right, logging out and back in again did the trick.
J Allin wrote: Categories for tracked mods? A bally brilliant idea!!!

So, while it is the same account, having to login all the time for the forum while still being logged in on the main page can be a bit of a pain sometimes. Perhaps make it so you stay logged in at the forum just as with the main page?

And I do agree with the tracked. I got like 20 pages of tracked content atm, so a way to keep track of that better would be awesome.
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In response to post #43549675. #43549990, #43550270, #43550860, #43550915, #43564605, #43573205, #43573420, #43575305 are all replies on the same post.

elderscrolliangamer wrote: Please add the ability to change usernames, this is the only place I can't use my new username and PLEASE sort the ads out! I've had forced downloads, forced redirects to spammy sites such as 'the brit method', loads of pop ups, ads that forced the screen to the bottom of the page and many ads covering the screen. It ONLY happens on this site. I can barely use the site anymore because ads make it intolerable.
elderscrolliangamer wrote: ffs, i literally just got redirected to the brit method AGAIN
VictorDragonslayer wrote: IIRC, you can report bad ads. If you encounter so many annoying ads, buy supporter membership(2$ - I would gladly pay them if I knew how to do it via mobile phone) or use uBlock Origin.
StupidAnswer wrote: Report ads that do this.On you'r part you could pay the small fee to have ads permanently removed, or if you're to stingy and these ads really ruin your experience you could use an adblocker.
elderscrolliangamer wrote: I've been reporting ads for months now, it's getting boring and having no money is hardly stingy.
HadToRegister wrote:

I've been reporting ads for months now, it's getting boring and having no money is hardly stingy.

It's like $2 to shut off ads, that's more than you're currently paying for your internet access that allows you to post here
wres1 wrote: Allow me to introduce you to the exciting world of -$5.32 in your debit account.
powerchimp1 wrote: .
elderscrolliangamer wrote: I love how you all presume my age and my life. You don't know the first thing about me. I don't even know what a debit account is. And I live in the UK, so I have no dollars.

I love how no one was even talking about you age, nor your life. if you can't afford to pay for "no ads", then use an ad blocker program. simple as that. Don"t tell me about your problems, and how you can't pay for something because you're broke. that's not what I come here for. Report ads that stop you from browsing the website. that's why you report them.

P.S. Its not that hard to change Dollars to Pounds anymore. that's what currency converters are for.

SPOILER: 5 Dollars, and 32 Cents = 4 Pounds, and 36 Pence.
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In response to post #43562410. #43564460, #43564645 are all replies on the same post.

Jimmyflow wrote: Having something in addition to just hosting mods, like how to's and tutorials. Similar to what is found on Reddit's skyrimmods. Or at least directing users to credible content. I realize this might entail a lot of work and time, but its essential if you're going to be pushing out the next generation mod manager.

As we've all come to learn, modding is not just plug and play anymore.
HadToRegister wrote: +10

There DEFINITELY needs to be a Modding Tutorial Section.

This is a MUST
nogamenotitans wrote: I second this

I agree with this too.
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While everyone is givin' suggestions, here's mine:


A better tutorial section for each game seems to me like it would cut down on mod user frustration. Also beginner links and/or articles sections would assist those looking for answers, seems to me the best way to assist the community is to attempt to place as many resources in one place along with as many links to external resources as possible.


As far as site functionality goes I don't really have any major issues so maybe not rocking the boat is prudent there.


Thanks for reaching out to us all.

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In response to post #43583770.

iquitous wrote: Have you considered hiring someone like MxR or another main stream mod reviewer to link their new videos here first? It would be nice to go to one place, get reviews and commentary on mods, help us find those we miss, as well as peruse the mods ourselves.


I think you might want a better example there. I'm not knocking your opinion, in fact I like MxR as well, but It seems that a lot of the community treat his videos as cancerous. A better choice might be someone like BroDual for skyrim or AlChestBreach for F:NV Edited by ProfsrRandus
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In response to post #43583770. #43596825 is also a reply to the same post.

iquitous wrote: Have you considered hiring someone like MxR or another main stream mod reviewer to link their new videos here first? It would be nice to go to one place, get reviews and commentary on mods, help us find those we miss, as well as peruse the mods ourselves.

ProfsrRandus wrote: I think you might want a better example there. I'm not knocking your opinion, in fact I like MxR as well, but It seems that a lot of the community treat his videos as cancerous. A better choice might be someone like BroDual for skyrim or AlChestBreach for F:NV

Here is an improvement, Nexus people could choose popular Skyrim n' other youtubers who do mod content / reviews of games that have mods on Nexus.

No need to fight "Who I wan't to see on the site" but rather "Will my favorite youtuber see spotlight on Nexus"
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In response to post #43560745.

RayV12 wrote: @ BlindJudge, May be an interesting Idea for you that came to me earlier this year.


I no longer really mod anymore. But I still come to the site to see what people are coming up with.

But I was out of town for work earlier last year and just happened to be a Cosplay event going on while I was there. I'm not really into super heroes or game lore really, but I gotta say I had a real blast at the event meeting some really cool, interesting people. This I did not expect.

The Whole time I was there I couldn't help but think the people at Nexus and it's users would love this stuff. So many users are so dedicated to Screenshot art and such, I really think cosplay would have a really good fit on Nexus.

Anyway.. maybe something to think about.
Good luck with the site upgrade and have a good one,


+1 on that from me. great idea.
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