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"Craftable / Unenchanted Nightingale Armor" not showing up at


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I copied the .esp to the /data and launched skyrim, and at the blacksmith forge I can't see or craft the armor. Did I do something wrong? Or do I just need to meet certain requirements before I can craft it? The description doesn't mention skill or level requirements, which is why I'm asking.


link to mod page: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1234

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Did you check the "misc" section while smithing? Otherwise, it might be easier to help you if you explain the full install process you performed (did you make sure to check the mod in "data files"? etc)
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When the mod is properly installed, you will have a "misc" section when smithing, in the same way that there is a section for steel armor and similar.


Also, mods that use .esp files usually need to be activated by checking them in the data files section. The data files section can be accessed in the same start-up window of the game, where you can choose to:



data files, <--this is the one you want to click on.

tech support,


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Ah, okay, thanks a ton. :thumbsup:


Hmm.. my "data files" option is greyed out. I can't select it. Any idea how I can, or why it won't let me?



EDIT: Nevermind, added





to the tops of my skyrimprefs files and I can select it now.


Works! Thank you!

Edited by AileFatale
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