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Z-fighting and Pop-ins


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I still have not seen a fix for z-buffer fighting issues, which causes a very pronounced flickering on far-away mountains (perhaps only outside of Whiterun)...and now it's even worse than before. Is there a solution for this? Will it ever be fixed?


Also, I'm getting very annoying pop-ins. I believe this is the term to use; terrain and certain objects seem to render late----this doesn't always occur, but enough to the point where it is problematic. I've tried the Ugrids fix, and that does not help. I've also downloaded a terrain distance mod, which didn't help either. Are there any other alternative solutions?


These two problems (in addition to some minor stuttering) are seemingly the only problems I'm facing right now.

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If you're using any high res terrain/landscape mods it might be related. And the more of those you use the longer it will take to load them all. So if you are using these types of mods try using a lower res version of them (if available) or unloading the heavier ones and see if you notice any diference.

Edit: Increasing "ugridstoload" will also cause more things to be loaded at the same time which might increase loading times. And also check for any background programs that might be hogging memory.

About the fickering mountains I have no idea of what can be causing it. Possibly graphics card or driver related?

Edited by FutureVisions
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I appreciate the response and will try what you suggested.



About the fickering mountains I have no idea of what can be causing it. Possibly graphics card or driver related?


It is; it's a problem with the graphics engine.This problem is called Z-fighting and occurs as a result of poor precision with the z-buffer. I've searched and searched and searched for a solution, but to no avail. There are ways of working around it, but at the expense of poor distance detail. Quite a bit of people have reported this problem, and Bethesda seemingly has no suggestions for it (no idea if it's even being looked into). This is the main problem I want to eliminate as it's the most noticeable, and somehow it seems to have become even more pronounced than before.

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