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game freezes


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I was playing this amazing game for a while and this problem started only today ( when ever I save the game it takes a while to save it or completely freezes the game and some times I it freezes for 5 sec for just walking around) I don't know it never happened before, if you guys know what is that please help me.

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I wonder if it has anything to do with the latest Nvidia driver ? I tried to start a new playthrough on Monday and it froze every time I tried to exit the pod in Vault 111. If I loaded an earlier save after I exited the pod but not the vault it froze before I could exit the elevator. I eventually loaded a save where I was in Concord then it went OK.

This was after installing the new driver.

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I haven't updated the latest Nvidia driver yet since the game (was) working fine. But I'm having the same issues. Just got to The Glowing Sea quest, been doing Nuka World as well and have unlocked about 7 settlements. Now when I'm walking through Concord or Lexington I'll encounter random freezes in which I'll have to completely reboot my system.

It feels like the further I get in this game, the worse the problems become. Starting a new game I usually have no issues (except the Goodneighbor bug where I have to start a new game and jump back to that save) and everything will seem to work fine until then.

I'm about at my wits end with this game. I love it almost too much to give up on it - but hell, I don't even remember encountering this many issues with Skyrim. I know, completely different animal we're talking, but still.

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I'm using a very modest mod setup right now, mainly just the Horizon overhaul and a few retextures and today I got my first freeze. >< I remember this happening in the survival beta as well and I was hoping it would be fixed by now. Are there any solutions that people have found? I'm 90% certain it's not my mods because this crashed the exact same way in the vanilla survival.

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I'm using a very modest mod setup right now, mainly just the Horizon overhaul and a few retextures and today I got my first freeze. >< I remember this happening in the survival beta as well and I was hoping it would be fixed by now. Are there any solutions that people have found? I'm 90% certain it's not my mods because this crashed the exact same way in the vanilla survival.


I had another problem where in Starlight Drive In (where I was using a mod which moved the pool) the build area shrank so that it exited build mode if I went too far from the pool. I uninstalled the mod but no luck. However I found a mention on another mod that this problem was caused with an FO4 update a few months ago and could be reset via a console command. This worked and the build limit returned to normal plus I haven't had any freezes since then, but I don't know whether the two things are related.

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I was playing this amazing game for a while and this problem started only today ( when ever I save the game it takes a while to save it or completely freezes the game and some times I it freezes for 5 sec for just walking around) I don't know it never happened before, if you guys know what is that please help me.

Try this:


If you use NMM, don't open it yet. Instead open Fallout 4 without NMM so you can access the settings menu.


In the first screen, check windowed and borderless. Then go up to resolution and select whatever your screen resolution is. You really can't tell the difference in this mode, it's just like fullscreen.

Antialiasing mode - OFF Anisotropic Filtering - OFF

Click on advanced, turn OFF godrays, ambient occlusion and weapon debris.

Click ok, then exit.

Now start the game using NMM. Should have less chance of freezing. At least, that's what is working for me right now.

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Possible cause of freezes-

new driver update for Nvidia GPU's

Graphic settings too high for your system (especially if your using an ENB/Reshade preset - some are more intensive than others)

Using lots of retexture mods (specifically anything that alters landscapes, or 4k res retextures)

Bethesda updated the game so that it now streams texture/mesh data continuously which is vram intensive and can cause spikes, lags, freezes and hangs if your system is underpowered)


Start off by lowering your shadow settings (quality and distance) by one (for example from ultra down to high)

If your using an .ini tweak to smooth out shadow transitions, remove it.

Keep your godray settings at ultra, but use this mod - Ultra Quality God Rays Performance Fix

Lower your game resolution by one setting.

Use L.O.O.T. to optimize your load order for installed mods.

optional info - make sure that your install of Fallout4 and NMM are on the same drive.

Stop as many programs as possible that are running in the background, there is plenty of software out there that monitors and regulates background apps.

Finally, make sure that your drive isn't defragmented, as this can have a negative effect on your gameplay experience.


This is just a very basic guide that should mitigate the freezing issues you have.

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To my best knowledge, you should be able to continue using Shadowboost; however I don't use it myself, so would be best to read the bugs section + comments page to see if other users can verify this for you.

It's possible that your issue is purely related to Survival Mode, as I've seen a number of users with similar posts that seem to indicate a bug that Bethesda hasn't fixed yet.

You have a reasonably good system, so not sure what is causing VATS to freeze up. If the freezes only occur when you activate VATS, that narrows the cause of the issue down.

To completely rule out any of the mods your using as possible culprits, best to check on their respective mod pages and see there.

Only other things I can think of atm are making sure that your drivers, Fallout4, all the mods you use, and your o.s. are all updated to the latest version.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

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Hi Guys


i have a similar bug i play Fallout4 now since relaease on the Xbox1 first, cause my PC wasnt strong enough to handle it. Now i have a new strong baby beside me who grants me every wish. So eitherway

whenever i start to play Fallout4 i can only reach the exact part where i get my Pipboy after the Pipboy started my game chrashes and here is why i need help it only happens wehn i enable mods in the .ini files








so now heres my question what do i have to do to play this beauty with mods cause thats the main reason i got it for PC though its a great game



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