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Daggers, Companions, and Ore


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Please please please will someone make mods for the following


1) Please make daggers faster

Daggers should be much faster than swords and for some reason they're only about half as fast, someone please fix this.


2) Multiple companions, and or, a Dogs scripted like horses

I'm sick of the whole only one companion thing. It might be over powered, and everyone I'm sure is sick of hearing this request, but I think it would be awesome if it was included. Also I would like someone to fix dogs so that if you get one they don't count as a companion.


3) Please make ore re-spawn faster

I'm sick and tired of having to wait days in real life just so that I can get my hands on the rarer ores, please make them

A) More attainable


B) Spawn faster


Thank you for your consideration,

Shikhano Crisis

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