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Can't move when I enable my mods


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Hello friends :smile:

i've been playing skyrim for more than 4 years now, modding, having fun, and obviously troubleshooting a lot of problems along the way. I took quite a break from skyrim, for an year or so. All of my mods were just where I left them, I've done some updating (nexus mod manager, skse). I tested the game and it worked just fine, but the problems begun when I've deleted my enb. I cant run mods now, really frustrating. I used loot and boss to figure out the problem but the problem seemed minor so i fixed it, and still i cant load my game. Started the game all over again, still, nothing works.

The specific issue is when i enter the game i just cant move. it immediately enters first person view and its bouncing all around the screen but i cant seem to move. Does someone know how to fix this?

Edited by Mainstream65
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