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Skyrim and Steam...


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im just coming to add my 2 cents here, so flame away if you want... but after reading all this anti-steam Propaganda, i'd like to take a second to share the perspective of a LONG-TIME steam supporter.

/flame on


I stoped reading rite there.


/flame off


Its not antisteam propaganda its people having issues with it...accept it or continue crying about people crying.

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Why everyone here is SO hell-bent on hating steam is beyond me... because I've NEVER had issues with steam and will continue to activate EVERY game that I buy a physical copy onto my steam account because it just makes my gaming library organized and available.


Did you even read any of the posts? As I have written before, personally I don't have any problems with steam, but I know several people who can't play their legally purchased games thanks to steam. Yeah, really hard to understand that they don't love steam after that...


And it's also really hard to not see you as just as another weird fanboy when you obviously didn't even bother to read any of the other posts here.


Steam is great when it is a choice, but not when it is forced down your throat when you want to play a single player game that really shouldn't need steam to be running.


but steam offered me something that retail stores and game publishers couldn't... and that was lost disk prevention. out of the 50+ games I have activated on my steam account, I have maybe a handful of the original disks left. so what happens if I want to play those games? OH SNAP NO DISK!?!?!??! ah well guess I'll hop on ebay and get a cheap used disk for $5 plus shipping... OH WAIT, steam knows that I have a legit copy of this game, and all I have to do to install it is click a single button? sweet!

And what happens if steam ever goes bankrupt? say goodbye to ALL your games that requires steam in any form. Not as sweet anymore...

And personally I have been an active gamer since the SNES days, and I still have all my physical copies left.

Edited by amycus
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im just coming to add my 2 cents here, so flame away if you want... but after reading all this anti-steam Propaganda, i'd like to take a second to share the perspective of a LONG-TIME steam supporter.


hate to break this to you, steam doesn't care about you, or any 'supporter' you support a company as if it's some kind of religion and if push comes to shove, they'll drop you and anyone else in a heartbeat for profit. sell your info? they do that already...and you pay them for the privilege AND defend them...sweet deal for valve eh?


wayyyy back in the day (cs 1.6 days) steam was THE platform for online gaming distribution. my steam account is actually one of the VERY few and VERY rare 5 digit steamID accounts, that's how long I've been using steam.


steam brings MASS community gaming to another level. back with counterstrike, if you didn't have steam, you (obviously didn't play) but you just couldnt get involved with clans and communities and such. steam was a great way to meet / make / communicate with friends.


so does facebook...if you want the social aspect, steam just makes it easier to connect...since you're connected anyway


over the years (we are talking 10+ years here) with my use of steam, I've activated 50+ PURCHASED leased games with steam. I never ONCE bought a game through steam, but steam offered me something that retail stores and game publishers couldn't... and that was lost disk prevention. out of the 50+ games I have activated on my steam account, I have maybe a handful of the original disks left. so what happens if I want to play those games? OH SNAP NO DISK!?!?!??! ah well guess I'll hop on ebay and get a cheap used disk for $5 plus shipping... OH WAIT, steam knows that I have a legit copy of this game, and all I have to do to install it is click a single button? sweet!


fixed that for ya, if you have an issue losing disks...you have more to worry about than people who dislike steam. maybe get a MRI done or something.



I'm a pretty hardcore gamer, and every single one of my friends IRL use steam, have used steam, and will continue to use steam... forever. they actually provide a great service once you stop poking at some half-ass flaws that really aren't that big of a deal.


real flaws...factual, not half-assed in the slightest, instead of just saying that...why don't you try and disprove them factually...anyone can say anything, backing it up with facts is something else entirely.


Look at other major games out right now, for instance, Starcraft 2 / WoW... when blizzard patches their game, does every1 freak out calling blizz the devil and claim they are ruining the game just for continuing to support it? NO!


blizzard > steam, better qc, better customer support, and they only drm their own games. how you even stretched that far to bring them into this debate is beyond me. steam sneak drm patch broke peoples games, beths 1.2 broke peoples games...did steam or beth pull either patch once the issues were known? no


Why everyone here is SO hell-bent on hating steam is beyond me... because I've NEVER had issues with steam and will continue to activate EVERY game that I buy a physical copy onto my steam account because it just makes my gaming library organized and available.


organized and available...as long as you're online, and steams online, and you don't do anything that may cause them to terminate your account. my library is organized and availible at all times, no matter what may happen to the internet...with the exception of steam games that require a connection to play.


add to that the fact that I have a friends list of over 100 people (20-30 of which are IRL friends) that I can communicate with, start pickup games, ect...


numbers game doesn't cut it, proves nothing, especially since they're all on steam with you...like saying everyone shops at a certain store in your town, to lazy to go anywhere else. mcdonalds uses that too...xxxxxbillions served...does that make micky d's the best place to eat?


Steam isn't the bad-guy here. Bethesda didn't NEED to license Skyrim to steam to sell the game... and anyone here that argues that is either misguided misinformed or simply following the trend of anti-steam flame wars on this website.


not sure what your point was here, true, beth didn't need steam, shouldn't have used it at all, everyone would have been better off (except steam) so it seems you actually agree that beth didn't need steam.


Flame me all you want... all I wanted to say is that I think some of you guys are being WAY too bandwagon-ey and critical of steam when they are actually providing a great service for FREE that will NEVER die. Steam will take care of my games library no matter how bad I am at losing disks.


net goes down, their servers go down, your net goes down=die...so much for 'never' they do not provide a great service, not even to their clients who publish games, if you think they do you're deluded...their drm is a joke, skyrim was cracked before official launch as someone somewhere else posted, after checking it was at least cracked same day it was released within hours. as was the first patch. and read steams eula and tos...carefully...especially about how much they'll support you, or guarantee that their servers will always be there...or what your only legal recourse is should you have a dispute with steam. also, check out how you lease...not buy, seems you were misinformed intentionally...as every steam users is by 'sales' that are actually lease events.



OH AND ONE MORE POINT before I end this:


To the people complaining about steam being a resource hog. Seriously guys? This is 2011, almost 2012. Steam uses 100MB of RAM. If you are pinching RAM so hard that you can't run a single 100MB application in the background because it will tank your FPS, then buy a goddamn XBOX or something and stop complaining about the way computers work.


it's not just RAM, it's bandwidth, other countries, and some places in north america have bandwidth limits, shows how narrow your view is, steam uses up those limits aka bandwidth caps, only allowed so much u/l~d/l per month, or your net gets choked to around 56k until the next month. it's not the way computers work atall, it's how steam works...if it wasn't forced on people, they might have a better attitude towards it. but quite simply, it doesn't do the job it's intended to (drm) it isn't necessary for a game to run (games would run just fine without it) social aspect, there's websites, fansites for every game, and gamers out there so not needed there either...it does nothing that couldn't be done without it...oh wait...it does do one thing that can't be done without it...force updates that break things, spy on you, create another unnecessary process, eat up bandwidth, make you waste money on games you'll never own...and pray that their servers never go down through electrical outage, fire, flood or earthquakes. and it makes you dependent on steam to play


Skyrim = $60

2GB RAM stick = $10-20


........... some people make me O____O


ya, seriously...some people make me O.o

life lesson>just because you like something doesn't make it good automatically, your decision making ability shouldn't be set in stone once you like something. to defend it at all costs as if your survival depends on you being right in what you like, that it must be perfect because you like it. it's a company, it's out to make a profit, like drug companies, car companies, or other software companies. if steam didn't exist, this debate wouldn't, things broken by steams inclusion in games wouldn't have occurred, that's the most telling thing. steam/valve did nothing to stop piracy, only made legitimate users suffer...if they didn't exist, never had existed...things would have been much better.

Edited by DeadSpace
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I still don't really understand why many gamers are pissed with having Skyrim run through steam (either then breaking the LAA patch), or having the upcoming CK run through steam. And I also find it interesting how people think you have to be online all the time using steam. =/


Only time I use steam online is for activations. The only gripe I have is having to download the preload patches that extends the installation times. But there are great benefits; I can install my games on different computers, and I don't even need the CD after installation (saves me searching left right and center trying to find the darn CD just to play the game). It's just click and play.


I just don't get it =/


Well, to each his own. You don't have to dislike Steam. If it doesn't bother you, great. You're lucky.


Personally, I loathe it.


3rd party software. Forced patches. A highly questionable privacy agreement. Pain in the arse when installing / re-installing the game. Pointless software for a single-player, offline game.


Took me less time to install 19 Sims 2 expansions than it did to get Skyrim working - thanks to Steam being an absolute prick by forcing an update down my throat at a snail's pace and freezing altogether a few times while it was at it.


Since I did get Skyrim working, I've never let Steam get online again. I only run Steam when I'm offline and that's how it stays. Not interested in forced patches or unwanted software updates. Frankly, at the rate things are going, I'm looking forward to trashing both Skyrim and Steam from my pc.


If some people are comfortable with Steam, fine. Enjoy.


If that's the future of gaming, I'll stick with the oldies which don't waste my time.


(Incidentally, while numerous people - such as myself - are picking out flaws with Steam, is there anyone out there who can actually tell me what good it does? Last time I checked, Skyrim (sans Steam) was happily floating around on plenty of torrent sites, so the anti-piracy argument seems like a lot of junk. Frankly, I regret paying for Skyrim. I should have just gone with the torrent :wallbash: )



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Someone here is on Valve's payroll :whistling:


steam brings MASS community gaming to another level. back with counterstrike, if you didn't have steam, you (obviously didn't play) but you just couldnt get involved with clans and communities and such. steam was a great way to meet / make / communicate with friends.


And who gives a fork about clans and social networks? I bought a single-player game. Sin-gle-pla-yer.


it's a company, it's out to make a profit, like drug companies, car companies, or other software companies. if steam didn't exist, this debate wouldn't, things broken by steams inclusion in games wouldn't have occurred, that's the most telling thing. steam/valve did nothing to stop piracy, only made legitimate users suffer




I'm sure users of pirated copies (not me) are glad they didn't spend a single cent. Day-one delivery and no Steam, all free.

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man seriously we have to run steam to even use the freakin CK when it comes out? This may sadly be my last bethesda game even though I love the titles. Hopefully after they are done patching there will be a crack yes crack so we dont need it anymore. I bought the game straight up but wow this forcing steam to play every time I play is wacked!


I also just found out that the skse is not backwards compatible so I have to take the big risk that when or if I update via steam my saves wont break or it wont crash all the time...


so now we have steam skyrim a 4g laa program and skse all needing to run together and they probably dont really communicate.

its a freakin unelegant mess!

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all of your argument claiming that my _OPINIONS_ are wrong are simply that... OPINIONS.


i actually have read every single post on this topic... i'm not going to go back through them and quote every single post, but there are quite a few people who have clearly just jumped on the "I HATE STEAM" bandwagon with no legit reason.



I can understand people having concerns about steam in regards to b/w usage... until you introduce the fact that you aren't required to be online on steam 24/7... you can play skyrim 100% offline if you choose. all you have to do is set steam to offline mode then set it to not load on startup. I realize that it still queries the servers to validate you have a legit copy of skyrim, but that is like 50 packets of data, at MOST. 50. packets. i send / receive about 2billion packets per DAY. how, in gods name, this is a viable argument is beyond me... because I'm 99% sure that NONE of you have actually loaded up a program like WireShark or something that actually tracks how much bandwidth steam uses.



And who gives a fork about clans and social networks? I bought a single-player game. Sin-gle-pla-yer.


People? Different views on certain things don't make you right or the other person right... they are opinions. Stop pushing your views as the be-all-see-all of what is right and wrong with steam.




life lesson>just because you like something doesn't make it good automatically, your decision making ability shouldn't be set in stone once you like something. to defend it at all costs as if your survival depends on you being right in what you like, that it must be perfect because you like it. it's a company, it's out to make a profit, like drug companies, car companies, or other software companies. if steam didn't exist, this debate wouldn't, things broken by steams inclusion in games wouldn't have occurred, that's the most telling thing. steam/valve did nothing to stop piracy, only made legitimate users suffer...if they didn't exist, never had existed...things would have been much better.


Life lesson? Are you honestly that self-righteous to think that just because your opinions differ then mine, I need to be taught a LIFE LESSON because I enjoy steam and use it every day? I never ONCE said that people have no reason to hate steam. I completely understand where SOME people are coming from in regards to some of the issues set forth on this subject... My beef is with the people that are simply hating steam to hate steam.


I enjoy steam's service.





Bethesda is going to patch the game with or without steam... so blaming steam for the terrible patches is LOLworthy because all steam does is provide a content delivery system for the publisher. To think that steam had ANYTHING to do with the broken patches (minus delivering them to you) is simply WRONG. That isn't an opinion, which is why I can honestly say you are WRONG to think that.


Unlike stating opinions and telling my mine are invalid because they differ from yours... I'm telling you how it is. Steam didn't release 1.2... Bethesda did.





net goes down, their servers go down, your net goes down=die...so much for 'never' they do not provide a great service, not even to their clients who publish games, if you think they do you're deluded...their drm is a joke, skyrim was cracked before official launch as someone somewhere else posted, after checking it was at least cracked same day it was released within hours. as was the first patch. and read steams eula and tos...carefully...especially about how much they'll support you, or guarantee that their servers will always be there...or what your only legal recourse is should you have a dispute with steam. also, check out how you lease...not buy, seems you were misinformed intentionally...as every steam users is by 'sales' that are actually lease events.


Along with... every other game that's been released by major publishers in the past 5 years? Is steam really the bad-guy in this situation... or is the idea of DRM as a whole, the bad idea? You are poking a dead horse and calling it a frog with this one. DRM isn't steam's problem... it's corporate greed that's the problem. Once again, not steam. I won't even comment on how you think I'm "deluded"... silly child.






I could go on and on and on... but it seems like I'm getting the same from everyone here. Personally attacking someone's character because they have a different opinion from you... welcome to the internet I guess. Trolls will be trolls.

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Bethesda is going to patch the game with or without steam... so blaming steam for the terrible patches is LOLworthy because all steam does is provide a content delivery system for the publisher. To think that steam had ANYTHING to do with the broken patches (minus delivering them to you) is simply WRONG. That isn't an opinion, which is why I can honestly say you are WRONG to think that.


Unlike stating opinions and telling my mine are invalid because they differ from yours... I'm telling you how it is. Steam didn't release 1.2... Bethesda did.


I think you are missing the point. The problem with Steam and patches is that it is not configurable as it makes out that it is. It matters not a jot if you ask it not to update a game automatically, it tends to do it anyway, UNLESS you also take Steam offline. Some of us found out that to our cost with New Vegas and Steam, and it is because of our experiences in that respect that we were horrified at Steam being involved with Skyrim. We remember the days when we went to the Bugthesda site for the patches only when we were quite sure we wanted to (after reading whether or not there were any issues with them.) If you have other games on Steam, that you DO want to update, you daren't go back online with Steam to do it because it will result in your Skyrim install getting force updated as well, since Steam just ignores "Do not automatically update".


So, Steam deprives us of the choice of how to handle updates.


Just as bad, and what is really hacking people off, is the issue of the CK being tied to Steam and the prospect of Valve frankly ripping off people's mods and putting them on Steam Workshop. I did at least get an assurance from Matt Grandstaff that mods will not automatically be uploaded to SW as soon as you save your plugin.

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I am not directly going to badmouth Steam....everyone knows who and what they are. However, Bethesda had no need to go with them. It is simple for me. If and when there is an Elder Scrolls 6, and if it goes with Steam then ES5 is my last game with them. I loved the time here and I will forever love my heavily modded Oblivion, but I refuse to be blindly led into "Oblivion" and the pile that awaits.
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