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A Letter From a Friend


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You know how that courier runs up to you and says "I've got a letter for you, your eyes only..." or something like that. The letter is always the same. Yeah, you are dragon born and you did a shout in this place, and I want to see you get stronger, go to this place and find the word wall. Sincerely, a friend.




I thought it would probably have been Hadvar or Ralof, and I've yet to find any proof. So basically, who is it OR who do you think it is?

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I was thinking about this just earlier today actually. I have not completed the main quest line, and have a lot left to do in the game (TONS, actually) but if I had to make a guess with my current understanding I'd have to say it's one of the Greybeards as it seems the other NPCs are oblivious to the Dragon Word Walls.
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Dont think its the greybeards, since you can ask them about locations of words of power after the horn quest, the letters from a friend are triggered when you use shouts in X locations.


Also others are aware of them since there is an ingame book about them and the language Dragon Language: Myth No more


So doubt its any one in particular, just like the letter say someone who wants to help (cheap excuse for getting locations from the devs :P)

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  • 2 weeks later...

M'aiq has time to find locations of Word Walls? I thought he was too intent on finding calipers...


I thought that maybe Delphine or Esbern would have sent it, but I've dismissed that now.


Delphine wouldn't have sent the messages because:

-She is not sure if you are the Dragonborn until you prove yourself, when you can receive letters before that quest.

-She is a (censored word) because she wants Paarthurnax dead.


Esbern wouldn't have sent the messages because:

-Same as Delphine, doesn't trust you until proven.

-Stays holed up in the Riften Ratways. Pfft, like someone who does that would help.



I honestly have no clue. Still, my main bets are Hadvar/Ralof depending on who you sided with at the start... Although I haven't actually joined one of the sides yet, so I don't know if you choose the other side to the person you chose at the start, the letters stop coming. Sorry if that makes no sense, I'm tired.

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Random person Bob perhaps?


No, seriously. I suspect the guards who took an arrow to the knee sends you messages, because he noted down where he/they found the walls before the arrow hit.

It fits as well: You get the messages when you use a shout in a city and in each city there is about 12 guards who took arrow to the knees.



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