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Modify a container's respawn time?


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Hello fellows modders :thumbsup:


I'm building a full mod, with several NPC companions with their own houses and stuff, and some better distribution of goods around the world.


My problem is that i need to give them some "income" and since in Oblivion you CAN'T treat money as normal misc objects like in Morrowind (you can't give away money, and you cant choose how much money take from a container) I need to put in the companions house small containers with some reasonable daily income in order to buy them some new stuff.


With normal respawn time, i need to give them large amounts of money, and i see that this is pretty unbalancing even for me, a well known roleplaying psycho :biggrin:


So, what i ask is a script that, applied to one single container, make it respawn after ONE DAY


I found this: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...ntainerRespawns but it's not clear at all for me... can someone please help?



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