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better feet for males now with claws item for Khajiits/Argonians.


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Now, there is a mod for female feet. Good. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3666

It's why we need a mod like that, but for males too.


With clawed toes for beasts!


But apparently, the game only/always uses a single foot mesh for all races. In other words, if the feet had claws, all characters (and shoeless NPCs) would have clawed feet.

Maybe there is a solution ? You can make better feet for males and for guys who play a beast character, the same thing, but with a simple new item, "claws", which can be equipped like boots, but which add claws on toes. :dance:




What do you think ?





KWAK! :psyduck:

Edited by RochSilverfang
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FO3 BSA extractor. if it exists already and you think the modded ones would be good enough for male feet then just get the fo3 bsa extractor and take a look at the file names for the male versions. Look at the mod's file directory structure and match it in the extractor. Then make copies of the files in the mod and rename them to match what it shows in the extractor for the male versions.


If you don't think they would make for good male feet, then I would try messaging the modder of the female ones. That screenshot is from oblivion btw

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