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Strange error, can't find info anywhere on it...


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I recently bought the GOTY edition of Morrowind, and since I'd played before, immediately started downloading mods that I enjoyed before - and found a few that hadn't existed (or I hadn't known about) before. I installed quite a few of them, and started a new game. When I got into the Census Office, the game popped up an error message (I don't remember the exact message, now) and froze. I was still able to pull up the ESC menu and quit, however. I started removing mods one by one to determine which one was causing problems, starting a new game after each incident. After a few of these, I started to get the following message when opening the Data Files option on the frontend or twice when starting the game:


Second ReadFile() in GetChunkData failed with error: The operation completed successfully.


Which sounds VERY odd to me (it sounds like it's saying, "I had an error, but it didn't do anything.").


I was able to find and weed out the mod that was causing the lockups (a mod called Masks), but I continue to get the "Second Readfile" errors every time I start or go to the Data Files screen.


Note that once I get past the error messages, the game runs just fine... it's just an EXTREME annoyance, since I have to task-switch out to close the first instance of it when I'm loading the game.


Does anyone have any ideas on this?



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your save must be corrupted by the mod, in other words, it tries to run with it, but comes up with dodgy messages, but i could most likely be wrong.


try starting again without any mods running and see what happens.

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First: It gives that error message during the initial load, before you get to the point of choosing how to start the game.

Second: It still does that even after unloading everything except Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon.


Also note (again) that it gives me that error message when I go to the Data File menu.



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then theres only one solution which has a good chance of working, re-installing morrowind, and by that i mean removing though add/remove in the control panel, then installing it, i know, its a hard one putting all the mods back on, i have 500mb of mods on, and it was over an hour to put them back on.
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