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Looking for models, new and modified


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I'm working on a script for a large questchain, but to make it as close to my dreams as I can, I'll need some custom models. What I'm looking for are grey, slimy, scaly, bloated humans (yes, deep ones), prismatic dragons, prismatic spiders, prismatic dragonpriests, dragon with tentacle-faces (think of it as attaching half an octopus on a dragon's neck), both grey and prismatic, a slimy, scaled staff with tentacles, a slimy mass of tentacles in an unrecognisable shape resembling nothing known to man (or mer, for that matter), both grey and prismatic. Also for a dragon-man hybrid; the shape of a humanoid, but with wings, a tail, a dragon-like head, and scales, both grey and prismatic in colour. A dark pyramid-like altar I'll need, as well.


Seeing as I'm still working on the script, I can't actually give spoilers, but I'll promise it'll be long and hard.. and sort of lore-friendly.


Thanks in advance. <3

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