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Dead wives...


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I managed to had my wife die in battle (ingame) found it out later... Didnt want to reload... And it seems i cant remarry Is there a way to change that? It happened in a dungeon... (the autosaves werent helpfull cause they were overwritten by the time i found out she was dead same with my other saves So meh ) and the body is lost now... It was that dark elf Jenassa If im right But to the point is there a way to Either remarry or get that npc back? Im looking trough console codes but i dont get much out of it :/
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You could look up her ID and console player.moveto 000B9982 and then open console click on her and use resurrect but I do not know if she will reset to her pre marriage status, I know she will revert to her original equipment so loot her body first.


I found this online.


For PC version:

1) console -> click dead spouse (for ID) -> type "resurrect"

2) remove amulet of mara/matrimony rings from inventory (not sure if this makes a difference)

3) go to Maramel (the guy you got Amulet of Mara from) in Riften

4) console -> click Maramel (for ID) -> type "resetquest relationshipmarriage" -> then type setstage relationshipmarriage 10


~~~ ^ this portion opens up the marriage quest again to get remarried, buy a new amulet


then, find your spouse (probably back where you originally found them by now, since you resurrected)...

1) click them (for ID) -> type "addtofac 19809 1"

2) type "setrelationshiprank player 4"


~~ ^ this portion opens up the dialog to get married (again)

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You could look up her ID and console player.moveto 000B9982 and then open console click on her and use resurrect but I do not know if she will reset to her pre marriage status, I know she will revert to her original equipment so loot her body first.


I found this online.


For PC version:

1) console -> click dead spouse (for ID) -> type "resurrect"

2) remove amulet of mara/matrimony rings from inventory (not sure if this makes a difference)

3) go to Maramel (the guy you got Amulet of Mara from) in Riften

4) console -> click Maramel (for ID) -> type "resetquest relationshipmarriage" -> then type setstage relationshipmarriage 10


~~~ ^ this portion opens up the marriage quest again to get remarried, buy a new amulet


then, find your spouse (probably back where you originally found them by now, since you resurrected)...

1) click them (for ID) -> type "addtofac 19809 1"

2) type "setrelationshiprank player 4"


~~ ^ this portion opens up the dialog to get married (again)


does resseting the marriage quest like this let you have more wives if you're first one dind't die?

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shame a wife in every town...!

`here's to wifes and sweethearts, may they never fast travel and meet...!'


all we need now is to actually be able to sh*g yer missus, not just ask her to cook you a meal, bonking and bacon, not necessarily in that order..!

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I agree with Tazmo Sort of =p It would be nice to be able to get a kid of some sorts ingame (Dovahkids!) with that Killable kids mod it would give you a feel/need of something to protect other than that precious shopkeeper EDIT: I managed to get Remarried! "t worked. Edited by marabunta5
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