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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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The 6 year old version 2.0 of my fixpack is the last released version. 3.0 is still in production, I'd guess I'm about 2/3 done with it. Another 10 weeks or so before release, Id guess.


Okay so is 2.0 then better then Just Another Fixpack by Ovi187? Like I said its been years so I am just trying to get the most effective least effort needed fix pack that fixes game breaking or at least game hindering issues.

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Two entirely different types of fixpack. Mine mainly fixes dialogue and scripting bugs related to quests, plots, and story. Just Another Fixpack fixes bugs relating to combat.


In theory they should be compatible with one another. In theory.

Edited by Qwinn
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Okay Thank You! Hard to remember after 5+ years away from everything DA related, and just trying to get the bare bone mods that fix the things that would and did create issues playing the basic game. Use to be a thread about that but I think the forum that had it doesn't even exist any more >_> coming back to mod a game this old after this length of time has its own set of problems.


Also is the old Bioware Social Network site the best place to Download your 2.0 Fix pack still or is there a better place to access it Qwinn??

Edited by TheLostAngel
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That's still the only place. Honestly, though, I really would recommend finding something else to play for a couple of months till I'm done here.


My fixpack v2.0 fixes less than 50 bugs and restores a few pieces of lost content.


My fixpack v3.0 is on track to fix over 400 bugs and is going to restore a LOT of lost content.

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Ok, so I think I've got a cool idea for how to add these Oghren approval boosts in. The inspiration is actually the first dialogue you have with Oghren when you enter Caridin's Cross. Remember I said how "Great. Lead on and shut up." drops approval and nothing else improves it? Well, that "Lead on and shut up" option only appears after his first line, meaning, you're not interested in asking him any questions. You only get "Great. Let's go." to end the conversation after that, but you get it after every question you can ask.


Now, I was about to just add a big boost to his final "I've been waiting for somebody to say that for two sodding years" line.... but I read Oghren like this: he's spent two years frustrated by no one caring what he has to say about anything. Instead of one big boost at the end, I'm going to give a small increment for each and every question you ask him during these interljections he makes on the way to Branka. So the amount of approval you get will vary widely - If you ask him every possible question during these, you'll get a nice big boost, and if you just skip through it as fast as you can, you'll get barely any at all. Oghren approves more than anything that you give a crap what he has to say, because no one else has for two sodding years.


Sound good?

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That's still the only place. Honestly, though, I really would recommend finding something else to play for a couple of months till I'm done here.


My fixpack v2.0 fixes less than 50 bugs and restores a few pieces of lost content.


My fixpack v3.0 is on track to fix over 400 bugs and is going to restore a LOT of lost content.


Okay then I am not even sure how important a fix pack is any more, though I might just try the Dragon Age Rules Fix Pack and Just Another Fix pack. I am glad to see this game still has modders making new mods and updating older mods even with 2 games more in the series and almost being 7 years old as a game if not more.


Makes me feel like coming back to playing the DA Trio is a much better and more enjoyable thing then I realized it be to get back into the swing of things after not playing for years.

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"though I might just try the Dragon Age Rules Fix Pack and Just Another Fix pack"


Those are both combat and ability oriented fix packs and will probably not be compatible with one another, you'll probably need to pick one or the other.


And if I haven't already convinced you that an additional 350 quest and dialogue bug fixes and restored content is important or worth waiting a few weeks for, no worries, I'm not going to continue trying, I will just get back to work.

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"though I might just try the Dragon Age Rules Fix Pack and Just Another Fix pack"


Those are both combat and ability oriented fix packs and will probably not be compatible with one another, you'll probably need to pick one or the other.


And if I haven't already convinced you that an additional 350 quest and dialogue bug fixes and restored content is important or worth waiting a few weeks for, no worries, I'm not going to continue trying, I will just get back to work.


Oh you Have I just thought one those work for any the combat issue, and I totally forgot that they may overlap.


I am more then willing to wait for this mod to be done to use it :) I am just like I said trying to get my barring back and remember what if any really are required to play a mostly bug and hassle free game. I'll probably just use which ever one those sounds most useful for combat issues play a few hours and wait to really replay a whole playthrew for this mod since I can see how much effort your putting into it :) As I said coming back to the DA Verse of games after Years of not playing them and getting myself back into them now.

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Hey, as of February, I hadn't played any of the DA games in 6 years either :) Hell, I *still* never finished Awakening or even started Leliana's Song, The Darkspawn Chronicles or Morrigan's DLC, cause they weren't out when I stopped playing. Never played DA2 or Inquisition either, heh. That will change after this though.

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Glad to know I am not the only one coming back to them then! Which means you can get why I am looking for just the bare bones fixes right now for anything that really create a problem for a playthrew, like combat bugs that make skills you think work not function or function not as the skill say it should. Which is why i will probably do like I've done in the past and fiddle around do a few warm up hours then get a full game rolling. I hope you Enjoy the DLC and DA2 and DA:I when you get into them :) I will keep an eye out for your mod's 3.0 to use when it comes.

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