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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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I have verified that the problem (No "I love her" option in Witch Hunt) exists after completing DAO with the ORIGINAL beta version. Haven't tried with any more recent one.


Can do so now...

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Updating your main mod page to reflect the retraction that brought about that debate, also the list of compatible mods needs adjusting to reflect... Also updating (even with emergency fixes) is preferable if you increment the version number for those not following this topic, or plan to stop following this topic. Food for thought.

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My sticky post on the Posts section of the mod page already mentions the emergency patch, as well as v3.01 details. I am keeping information updated in both places. (EDIT: Updated the main description page as well).

Also, Thandal, whats going to make all the difference in the world in how Morrigans flags end up is if you talked to her after the ritual and had the About Last Night breakup. If you had it, I recommend backing up to before having it, simply avoid talking to her till the end, and see if it makes a difference. If you didn't, talk to her right before the final fight, break up, and see if that makes it work. As I can't see what flags Witch Hunt checks, I can't make predictions other than having that conversation, or avoiding it, COULD make all the difference.


Also, testing either of those would also test if the coronation fix in the current upload worked, which would be appreciated!

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Well, that was stupid. Mutter, chunter, mutter...

Ah ha!

I figured out what I did...

At one point I was running out of inventory space (really, I swear), so I equiped some of those fancy items, you know, the ones that increase stats (i.e. the Guildmaster's Belt, cunning +3) Which, because they are official bioware items included with the game (Ult. Edition on Origin), is *not* cheating!

-Would you consider that a valid play style choice to get from impossible to possible? :smile:

That said, 15 seems low, but 30 is high. In the end, for me, it's a "good of the many" thing. So no, I'm not looking for a retraction.


And a small thing...

After returning from the Korcari Wilds the journal entry for "The Grey Wardens' Cache" reads:

Return to Duncan when you obtain the necessary darkspawn blood.
You have recovered the treaties. You should return to duncan when you obtain the necessary darkspawn blood.



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Hi dgm22,


I just looked, and at the same time I had another quest called "Tainted Blood" which was the opposite -


<emp>Find three vials of darkspawn blood</emp>
You have successfully obtained three vials of darkspawn blood. Once you find the Grey Warden treaties, you can return to Duncan.



This is despite having both the treaties and the blood, and having turned neither of them in yet.


The two quests are tracked independently and aren't "aware" of the status of the other quest. I'm guessing you already returned the blood to Duncan which is why you're not seeing the Tainted Blood quest anymore, but it appears to me that the way it's working is intended.


"That said, 15 seems low, but 30 is high."


Oh - EXTREMELY agreed. LOW - 10 (automatic success), MED - 15, HIGH - 30 is about as terrible design as it gets IMO. But I can't really call it a bug, and changing it globally would probably wreck all sorts of stuff, so what can you do. (For the record, if it was up to me, I would've gone with LOW 15, MED 22, HIGH 30... but I still would've had to do this fix anyway).

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Yeah, that makes sense.


More small things....

LO003: "Bandits on the Road": A bug caused you to be able to tell the robbed family you killed the bandits even if you just ran them out of town.

perhaps this is similar/related...

-when talking to the 1st farmer you see, the opposite happens.

after killing bandits

Were those bandits always outside the village?
Were? You mean they're gone?
Yes, I drove them off.


In the quest "a fallen templar" I ended up with two quest completed entries when I finished it. I was in the middle of that quest when I upgraded to 3.01 and I mention it in case that isn't the reason.


Don't know if this a bug or not...

Lothering chantry

book - the imperial chantry - 50 xp
book - the first blight chapter 1 - 0 xp
book - the adventures of the black fox - 0 xp

A book is a book right?
Is there any rhyme or reason to xp for codex entries?



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"-when talking to the 1st farmer you see, the opposite happens."

Looking at the dialogue, "drove them off" is the only response you ever got - there never was an "I killed them" option. I could add a "I killed them", I suppose - but not sure if it's necessary. "I killed them" (as you could say to the elves) can't logically include merely making them run away, but the reverse isn't nearly as bad - it wouldn't be the first time I've seen "drove off" as a euphemism for killing. Given the extra issue that adding that line would not be translated for international players, I'm ok with leaving it be. Thanks for the report anyway though, it did bear looking at.


book - the first blight chapter 1 - 0 xp
book - the adventures of the black fox - 0 xp

Nice catch. I have been treating codex entries that come from placeables and do not give xp as a bug so far.


LO017: Lothering Chantry: Two examinable books in the Lothering Chantry did not give the customary 50 xp reward for their codex entries. Thanks to dgm22 of the Nexus forums for making me aware of these.


In the quest "a fallen templar" I ended up with two quest completed entries when I finished it. I was in the middle of that quest when I upgraded to 3.01 and I mention it in case that isn't the reason.

That is almost certainly the reason. I'll wait for someone else to report an issue with this before investigating further.

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