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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Yes, "Equal Love" is in the "\override" folder.


Played it this time with NOT having the "(attempted) breakup convo", so should have been "IN_LOVE".

Played it the other way when I used v3.0, so should have been "STILL_IN_LOVE" then.


And yes, I got the "Ring" epilogue slide regardless. Always have done.

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Finished through the Sacred Urn and Landsmeet plots. Here’s what I have this time:
Sacred Urn:
  • For some reason, the barks the party gives after fighting their shadowy doppelgangers did not trigger for me (urn230_party_reaction.dlg).
  • There’s some dialogue for the cultists in Haven if you sided with them that was left unused, meant to show how they are recovering (like a nurse tending to a cultist, a mother praying for her dead family and two villagers chatting). Who knows, some of it might be salvageable. Also, the funeral ceremony implies that they are burning the bodies of their fallen, but there are no pyres in sight.
  • You know that post-plot Cammen dialogue I mentioned? Well, the same applies to Carroll the Templar. He normally disappears completely after Broken Circle, but has a single line for when the plot is done. It looks like he’s supposed to be in the tower with the rest of the Templars (if you’ve sided with the mages, that is).
  • Also, regarding Cullen’s post plot dialogue: If you side with the templars you can have a conversation with Cullen where he explains why he is still there, as the other Templars have left. After that he has a single bark: “I wish I could have gone with them... to fight.” However, this line plays even if you’ve sided with the mages, and I doubt Cullen wants to hang out with more mages after what he just went through. There’s another line that seems more appropriate: “I'm glad I'm still alive, but the Circle's future still remains to be seen.”
  • In the area where Kinnon, Petra and Keili stand at the end of Broken Circle everyone, including the player, isn’t actually standing on the floor. They're hovering a bit above it. Once you walk past the benches in that room, it’s as though you’re walking up on an invisible step that covers half the floor.
  • Bann Ceorlic does not deliver his ambient bark when clicked on, instead the conversation between him and Sighart repeats.
  • During Captured!, if you escape while disguised as guards Alistair’s Regulation Sword remains equipped.
  • There’s some serious wonkiness regarding the Ser Cauthrien confrontation just before the landsmeet. First of all, she’s supposedly surrounded by her soldiers (based on scripting comments, continuity and common sense) and yet during the conversation she is completely alone. If you end up fighting, her soldiers will appear out of nowhere for the battle. If you end the confrontation peacefully, Cauthrien will kneel down and ask for you to spare Loghain. According to the scripting comments her soldiers are supposed to do the same along with her for this moment. Instead they are - once again - never seen and Cauthrien will blip away right in front of you. She has a bark for this moment that goes unused, so it makes no sense for her to disappear anyway.
  • If you ask Wade to make drake scale armor for you, he'll claim he should be paying you. Herren will always respond with “Pay him? No, Wade, no!” regardless of the player’s gender. There is no “Pay her?” line, unfortunately, so solving this would require some audio editing.
  • If you get caught by Sophie’s guard the camera does not focus on Alistair or Zevran when they say their lines.
  • We’ve got yet another elf who does not recognize elven mages as elves: Alarith, the alienage shopkeeper. He will correctly identify elves at first, only to forget upon subsequent conversations. This leads to him refusing to barter with you, even though you can when you first talk to him.
  • You can only do the burglary missions if you are a rogue with the stealth skill, right? Cause after doing the stealing missions as a mage, Slim Couldry is still standing there with nothing to talk about. Is he supposed to walk away after you’re done with him, or did I miss out on the burglary missions somehow?
  • The option to ask Sten “Do you find ferelden very strange?” constantly reappears, even after having already had that discussion. The followup questions do not reappear, so asking this leads nowhere.

OG014: Oghren: Oghren could initiate an almost completely identical conversation with you about Branka up to four times in a row in camp based on having completed main plot quests, and repeated potential approval boosts from them but only IF you were already at Friendly when they each occurred. Once you have had this friendly conversation with him, you won't get it again.

Having played through the game with Oghren now, I think it would make way more sense if he stopped initiating that type of conversation after he’s confessed what’s bothering him. Having him moping and telling you to leave him alone after you’ve become friends, and the player asking “What’s wrong” after he’s already told them what’s wrong just seems odd. There’s no reason for those moments to keep triggering, other than having your relationship with Oghren revert for a brief moment and then go back to “Right here, old pal”.
  • When Wynne talks about your love interest, if you’re romancing both Leliana and Morrigan you can select either “You know about me and Morrigan/Leliana?” If you choose “You know about me and Morrigan?”, she’ll start talking about Leliana instead. I assume things get even weirder if you throw Zevran into the mix as well.
  • The approval levels displayed do not always match up with their actual approval level for me. Zevran’s approval was at 70 and displayed “Adore”, except he was recognized by the game as being only at “Care”. I only got “Adore”-related dialogue if i bumped it up to 71. A similar thing happened with Alistair, with “Friendly” being displayed despite him only being at “Warm”.
And finally, found two more people who just disappear instead of walking away. Just mentioning them for completeness’ sake: the elf who says he will contact the other clans after NotB is finished, and the guard you can relieve from polishing the armor during Captured!.
That’s it! Only the final battle left.
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LO010: "The Qunari Prisoner": Restored a bugged interjections by Leliana in the party's first conversation with Sten.

Is this one of them?

Nope. And I'm not sure why there's an "s" at the end of interjection there. Fixed for the next readme update. I only fix one interjection, and it's right at the beginning ("I remember the Revered Mother...") The line you're referring to, I had nothing to do with.


As for the repetitiveness, well, one thing I had to guard against was the urge to fixing "repetitive" dialogue that was only repetitive because *I* was being repetitive, for testing purposes. Most people under normal conditions aren't going to run through that dialogue repeatedly. Bioware didn't set limits on how often those lines play, and I can see them wanting to end the conversations that way for as often as normal players not in testing mode would go through it. Can't really call it a bug.


LO011: "The Qunari Prisoner": Restored Leliana's interjection when threatening the Revered Mother.

-You also fixed the missing -15 approval? That's a notable decrease. Maybe add a few words to LO011 to keep the min/maxers informed?

-Her lines also take precedence over Alister's (vanilla) lines so those don't play. It's not just an add, but an add and subtract. Which seems more like a tweak than a fix. Could they both play in sequence?

Now why would I do that? *evil grin* That would be a spoiler! The fix in question is a flat out fix, not a restoration or a tweak. The condition on Leliana's line was "LOGHAIN_IN_PARTY". Aside from changing that to "LELIANA_IN_PARTY", I changed nothing. The rest of it, including the approval hit (which IMO shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone threatening the Revered Mother with Leliana in the party, and if they thought they could get away with it due to the bug, that's kinda an exploit, don't you think? I feel no compelling need to warn people away from the consequences of exploiting bugs :wink: ) is all Bioware.


As for Alistair's line not showing, I believe you are mistaken. If Leliana says "What? Stop that! How dare you!", it is followed by Alistair saying "Whoa, whoa! Let's not go crazy here!" (which is very similar but not quite identical to the line you'll get if Leliana is not in the party, or the bug I fixed isn't fixed ("Whoa, whoa! Let's not get out of hand here!".)


"And yes, I got the "Ring" epilogue slide regardless. Always have done."

If you always got it in the past regardless of what you did, it was due to a mod (probably MRP). In the vanilla game, you only get it if you break up with Morrigan. It won't trigger for IS_IN_LOVE, only for STILL_IN_LOVE. I make it play for either one in my fixpack.


For some reason, the barks the party gives after fighting their shadowy doppelgangers did not trigger for me (urn230_party_reaction.dlg).

Nice find! I was unaware of that dialogue file. And the reason you never got it is cause no one ever has. Nothing makes it fire, and if it did, you'd only get a disembodied Morrigan giving her line if she wasn't present, and only her line if she was. I'll see if I can get it working and restore the whole thing. And since it's a restoration, and the dialogue needs a lot of fixing to work at all, and all the lines are substantively different, I think it's in my discretion to make every line fire if the party member in question is present, instead of just a single line like the normal party_barks.dlg does. They're all great lines!


There’s some dialogue for the cultists in Haven if you sided with them that was left unused, meant to show how they are recovering (like a nurse tending to a cultist, a mother praying for her dead family and two villagers chatting). Who knows, some of it might be salvageable. Also, the funeral ceremony implies that they are burning the bodies of their fallen, but there are no pyres in sight.

Yeah, I looked through all these on my first pass. Nothing worth the trouble to salvage, IMO (beyond the things I did salvage, like the boy's dialogue post-plot). It would all only be suitable if you taint the ashes, and there's no good place in any area or creature files for all these wounded people/villagers. Even the dialogue files themselves wouldn't work without a major overhaul, and the amount of content is pretty trivial. As for the pyre... ugh. There's no good place to put one, I'd have to move everyone around. I'm gonna go with - the remains are on a boat floating down the river toward Andraste, since they say it's HER fires that should cleanse them! Yeah, that's the ticket!


You know that post-plot Cammen dialogue I mentioned? Well, the same applies to Carroll the Templar. He normally disappears completely after Broken Circle, but has a single line for when the plot is done. It looks like he’s supposed to be in the tower with the rest of the Templars (if you’ve sided with the mages, that is).

Eh. If I *were* to restore him for this, it'd probably be an appropriate line regardless of who you sided with, but it's a single line, and he's not already in any of the tower levels. A lot of work for little gain. Maybe a future version, not going to be in 3.1 tho. Thanks for the report, though, I'll make a note of it.


Also, regarding Cullen’s post plot dialogue: If you side with the templars you can have a conversation with Cullen where he explains why he is still there, as the other Templars have left. After that he has a single bark: “I wish I could have gone with them... to fight.” However, this line plays even if you’ve sided with the mages, and I doubt Cullen wants to hang out with more mages after what he just went through. There’s another line that seems more appropriate: “I'm glad I'm still alive, but the Circle's future still remains to be seen.”

Agreed. Simple fix, it'll go into 3.1.


CT027: Apprentice Quarters: Fixed Cullen's post plot ambient dialogue - a line that is only appropriate if the Templars have been recruited will no longer play if the mages were recruited. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


In the area where Kinnon, Petra and Keili stand at the end of Broken Circle everyone, including the player, isn’t actually standing on the floor. They're hovering a bit above it. Once you walk past the benches in that room, it’s as though you’re walking up on an invisible step that covers half the floor.

Nice catch, never noticed it. Unfortunately, nothing I can do about it really. Area geometry issue that can't be tinkered with. There's lots of places like this in game actually, especially near bridges.


If you ask Wade to make drake scale armor for you, he'll claim he should be paying you. Herren will always respond with “Pay him? No, Wade, no!” regardless of the player’s gender. There is no “Pay her?” line, unfortunately, so solving this would require some audio editing.

I was aware of it, and unfixable, unfortunately, I spent a WHILE on my first pass of these guys looking for anything that I could extract the word "her" out of from his dialogue, but he never says anything like it.


You can only do the burglary missions if you are a rogue with the stealth skill, right?

Incorrect. You can ask to do both chains if you put a point into Stealing. It's not limited to rogues at all (and this seems intentional - it looks like it was originally going to be restricted and then they changed their minds). If you didn't get the option to do the stealth quests, it's cause you didn't ask him to give them to you. What was Slim's dialogue once you finished his quests? Note that one of them may not open up until after the Landsmeet is over.


We’ve got yet another elf who does not recognize elven mages as elves: Alarith, the alienage shopkeeper. He will correctly identify elves at first, only to forget upon subsequent conversations. This leads to him refusing to barter with you, even though you can when you first talk to him.

UA033: Alarith: Alarith would recognize an elven mage as an elf for the first conversation with him (thus allowing barter), but would stop bartering upon subsequent conversations. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.



That's it for tonight, will address the rest tomorrow. Thanks for all the reports!

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UR019: The Gauntlet: Restored party commentary after defeating the dopplegangers. Credit to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for finding this well hidden dialogue file.


Was tricky getting dead party members to say the proper lines rather than their "Ugh, feel like I just got hit by a boulder" resurrection lines as they woke up, but I think I managed it.


This and the 2 listed fixes in the last post are fully implemented, tested, and documented. They'll be in 3.1.


Up to 729 fixes now, btw.

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And the reason you never got it is cause no one ever has. Nothing makes it fire, and if it did, you'd only get a disembodied Morrigan giving her line if she wasn't present, and only her line if she was.

Wow, haha. I actually saw Leliana’s line quoted on her DA wiki page and simply assumed it was in the game already. How fortunate!

I'm gonna go with - the remains are on a boat floating down the river toward Andraste, since they say it's HER fires that should cleanse them! Yeah, that's the ticket!

Sure, let’s go with that :D

I was aware of it, and unfixable, unfortunately, I spent a WHILE on my first pass of these guys looking for anything that I could extract the word "her" out of from his dialogue, but he never says anything like it.

Would simply taking out the “Pay him?” work? “No, Wade, No! We’ll charge you -” would work in context, right?

Incorrect. You can ask to do both chains if you put a point into Stealing. It's not limited to rogues at all (and this seems intentional - it looks like it was originally going to be restricted and then they changed their minds). If you didn't get the option to do the stealth quests, it's cause you didn't ask him to give them to you. What was Slim's dialogue once you finished his quests? Note that one of them may not open up until after the Landsmeet is over.

Oh, I’ve figured it out now: I only got the pick-pocket missions because I selected “Swiping things is my specialty” during his initial conversation. That seems to lock you out of the burglary missions, unfortunately. I thought you could ask for those later. After completing the stealing missions all I get is the “Warden, I’m humbled” dialogue with the only option being “I’ll see you later”(after the landsmeet). Is that intentional?
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I was aware of it, and unfixable, unfortunately, I spent a WHILE on my first pass of these guys looking for anything that I could extract the word "her" out of from his dialogue, but he never says anything like it.



Would simply taking out the “Pay him?” work? “No, Wade, No! We’ll charge you -” would work in context, right?

I made that exact edit last night, but fell asleep before I had asked if it was wanted or accepted. I couldn't find any good words to splice in either, not even mid-word splicing, but removing the first sentence sounds completely natural.

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Hey Qwinn,


Can you please take a look at the fixes in this link, to check if all of them are implemented in your fix pack. There are about 30 of fixes listed (ignoring the "fix" of automatically applying buffs on summons and revived party members). Also ignore the tweaks below that, I know you don't do those.



Much appreciated :happy:

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That link is to GasTank's "Fix Pack", which is almost exclusively concerned with bugs in gameplay/mechanics (and some additional tweaks to "improve" how some things work.)


Qwinn's Fix Pack *deliberately* does not address any of that. It focuses exclusively on fixing broken dialogue and plot issues.


Both Fix Packs can be used at the same time.

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Thandal is correct. Thanks for fielding that one, T.


Didn't think of just deleting the "Pay him!" Guess I have a mental block against fixing by removing content, heh, but yeah, that's a perfectly legit way to deal with it, given the lack of other options. When I get home I'm going to listen to it and see if I can change it to something like "Pay...? No, Wade, no!" That working depends totally on how he says it. If not, then yeah, I'll scrub the "Pay" also.


TB, I'll check Slim staying after only the stealing quests tonight. If he's still there after the Landsmeet, yeah, I probably need to remove him. You did "Steal the Teyrn's Crown" or no? And if you did, what'd you think?


Oh, and for the camera not focusing on Alistair/Zevran during the Sophies Guard dialogue, yeah, it was weird, for some reason the camera just wouldn't line up right when I tried it, and I tried a lot. I figured it worked well enough and it wasn't a big enough deal to scrap the entire restoration for it, but I'll give it another look tonight.

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