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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Yep, I went through Magenta Emerald. It was pretty easy by virtue of the fact that 75-85% of the fixes in that mod look like they came straight out of my v2.0 fixpack (and without any credit that I could find, for the record).


Sorry to hear about your computer, shades! Ah well, hope someone else shows up to report that they finished without issue, that's all I'm waiting on to release 3.1.

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There! Finished the game. Well, kind of:

  • First of all, the epilogue is unfortunately broken now if you helped Kaitlyn. After Kaitlyn’s slide it will simply exit the slideshow and you’re back at the coronation. You can restart it by talking to the guard, but it will always stop at Kaitlyn making it impossible to finish the game. D’oh! So close!

  • Also, a small inconsistency in Kaitlyn’s epilogue: it mentions “the small fortune she made from her father’s sword”, even if you gave her money but never even found out about the sword. Maybe there could be a separate but otherwise identical “small fortune she received from the Hero of Ferelden” slide?

  • At the start of the dark ritual conversation the usual sinister music fails to play. Instead the cosy ol’ Redcliffe theme continues to play, which kind of ruins the scene.

  • I married Alistair to Anora and recruited Loghain, but during the dark ritual conversation I got the “Do you let Alistair, the future king of Ferelden, take the blow instead?” line.

  • During the final battle in the alienage, elven mages can’t say “You can fight like elves or die helpless. Your choice.” to Shianni. There is the possibility that this was intentional as the comments say “dalish only” and it does sound like a dalish thing to say. But there was a “dalish only” comment with Alarith as well and that did not make any sense, so it’s probably just elven mages being forgotten about, as per usual. Sigh. Thoughts?

SL008: Slideshow: Restored the slides for the fate of Connor and Isolde that would not play if Arl Eamon remained in Denerim to advise Alistair. Also, if Connor lived, you would not see Isolde's slide.

I’m pretty sure that last one is intentional. With this change Isolde will die no matter what, except she can a cameo in Dragon Age 2 if she survived. I believe the implication is that she and Eamon will only have another child if they lose Connor. Of course, most of the epilogue slides end up retconned anyway, but I think this will just make things even more confusing.

  • I was able to have Loghain’s post-coronation conversation twice, one after the other. The first time he (correctly) did not know how we survived. The second he suddenly started blabbing about Morrigan’s ritual, which I never approached him about. After this he gives the correct ambient dialogue.

  • Also, not sure about the details but I just remembered one that I've experienced before: When kissing Bella there will be a shot of the militia staring. Sometimes there's three of them, but other times there might just be one.
TB, I'll check Slim staying after only the stealing quests tonight. If he's still there after the Landsmeet, yeah, I probably need to remove him. You did "Steal the Teyrn's Crown" or no? And if you did, what'd you think?

I did steal it, yes. Worked fine! Wasn't able to poison them though, since I wasn't skilled enough. But tried as many possibilities as I could and found no glitches.

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Kaitlyn: Weird that the slideshow dies! I did not have this issue, but I gave her the sword back. Will check.


As to her selling the sword, yeah, I discussed this earlier in the thread. I left it that way intentionally. It stands to reason that if you never got the sword, she'd go back to her house, take it with her, and could have sold it for a small foetune on top of what you gave her. There's no real inconsistency there.


I don't think I touched anything that would change the DR music, are you sure it's "usual"? May also just be a timing issue - I've noticed when the music is told to change, it tends to finish the current music loop before starting the new music. If you were just starting the Redcliffe music loop when you started the convo, it probably took a bit for the new music to start. That is normal behavior.


Not sure why you think "the future king of Ferelden" line is inappropriate in that circumstance. He is the future king.


Will look into the Shianni line. That one's a bit shakier.


Didn't know about Isolde's DA2 cameo! May indeed need to retract, will check tonight.


Loghain post coronation convo twice is definitely a bug, but I didn't encounter it, will check tonight.


Bella kiss: Those 3 guys are the potentially drunk "Militiamen" during Attack At Nightfall. Possible they died during the siege?


Back to work.

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It stands to reason that if you never got the sword, she'd go back to her house, take it with her, and could have sold it for a small foetune on top of what you gave her. There's no real inconsistency there.


That's...a good point.


I don't think I touched anything that would change the DR music, are you sure it's "usual"?


Yeah, I looked up videos of the scene. The track changes immediately upon Morrigan's first line. For me it never started, no matter how long I waited. I'll do some more testing, just in case.


Not sure why you think "the future king of Ferelden" line is inappropriate in that circumstance. He is the future king.


Well, because at that point Alistair has left the wardens. He isn't joining you on the battlefield - Loghain is. She never mentions Alistair anywhere else in the conversation, only Loghain, as he is not available anymore.


Bella kiss: Those 3 guys are the potentially drunk "Militiamen" during Attack At Nightfall. Possible they died during the siege?


Considered that. There's three militiamen standing around in the tavern, though. Furthermore, the one guy who does appear is not there when walking around, and magically appears for the kiss scene. Very odd.

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Got it on Alistair, and yes, you're quite right. Probably my fault, will fix. I already know what condition I should use to solve that, so should be easy.


The militiamen (not to be confused with just "militia") - ugh. It may be that way so the scene isn't empty if you got all 3 drunks killed in ths siege, which it sounds like you did. Will see if there's anything I can do.

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First of all, the epilogue is unfortunately broken now if you helped Kaitlyn. After Kaitlyn’s slide it will simply exit the slideshow and you’re back at the coronation. You can restart it by talking to the guard, but it will always stop at Kaitlyn making it impossible to finish the game. D’oh! So close!

Yup, my mistake, sorry about that. Only happened if Kaitlyn has an epilogue and you didn't leave Bella running the tavern. Will be fixed in v3.1.


I was able to have Loghain’s post-coronation conversation twice, one after the other. The first time he (correctly) did not know how we survived. The second he suddenly started blabbing about Morrigan’s ritual, which I never approached him about. After this he gives the correct ambient dialogue.

Also my mistake. Oops. Will be fixed for v3.1.


I married Alistair to Anora and recruited Loghain, but during the dark ritual conversation I got the “Do you let Alistair, the future king of Ferelden, take the blow instead?” line.

Me again! Bad Qwinn! Bad! Fixed for 3.1.


I’m pretty sure that last one is intentional. With this change Isolde will die no matter what, except she can a cameo in Dragon Age 2 if she survived. I believe the implication is that she and Eamon will only have another child if they lose Connor. Of course, most of the epilogue slides end up retconned anyway, but I think this will just make things even more confusing.
Actually, this is a potential dilemma. Unless DA2 is smart enough to check for the original conditions of Isolde's slide playing, then Isolde's slide should *never* play, even if Connor died, because she only has one slide and she dies in it. Do I just retract my fix? Or do I do the additional fix of making Isolde's slide never play? Or does DA2 also check if Connor died, which means Isolde inevitably dies too? The Wiki just says "if Isolde survived" she'll appear in DA2, but I don't know if that just means survived the demon plot, or survived both the demon plot and the epilogue.
For the time being, I'll give the DA2 writers the benefit of the doubt and just retract my change. Changing SL008 to:
SL008: Slideshow: Restored the slides for the fate of Connor OR Isolde that would not play if Arl Eamon remained in Denerim to advise Alistair. Note that if both of them survived, Isolde's epilogue cannot play as it creates an inconsistency with Dragon Age 2. Many thanks to TotalBalance on the Nexus forums for alerting me to that inconsistency.
During the final battle in the alienage, elven mages can’t say “You can fight like elves or die helpless. Your choice.” to Shianni. There is the possibility that this was intentional as the comments say “dalish only” and it does sound like a dalish thing to say. But there was a “dalish only” comment with Alarith as well and that did not make any sense, so it’s probably just elven mages being forgotten about, as per usual. Sigh. Thoughts?
I was leaning against doing this one, because you're right, it does seem like a peculiarly Dalish thing to say, but then I looked at the dialogue and it turns out that elven mages, and ONLY elven mages, are completely prevented from asking the elves to help defend the Alienage. That's definitely not intended, and totally overwhelms the whole "sounds Dalish" issue. So elven mages get to have fighting spirit too! Will be in v3.1.
FB010: Alienage: Fixed bug that prevented elven mages, and only elven mages, from being able to ask Shianni and the elves to help defend the Alienage. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one
Considered that. There's three militiamen standing around in the tavern, though. Furthermore, the one guy who does appear is not there when walking around, and magically appears for the kiss scene. Very odd.
The 3 drunks are always at the table. And they do disappear if they died in the siege. If you're seeing other militia standing around, those are non-drunks and they don't technically appear in the Bella kiss cutscene. If there's one appearing there even if the table is empty, that's probably deliberate as otherwise the cutscene would show an empty table, which is worse than the notion that a random patron had a seat for just a moment. Not gonna mess with it.
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We've discussed the Epilogue slides for Morrigan (which depend on which choices the player has made.)

I've received these three slides every time the DR has been performed AND I've accepted (and kept) her gift of the ring.












Of course Morri was [iN_LOVE] or [sTILL_IN_LOVE], as far as I could tell. And I got both of these whether or not I'd had the (semi-)break-up conversation with her (the one after the DR when she get furious about the player's declarations of love) and whether or not I had MRP, or QUDAOFPB (vers 3.0 or 3.1) installed.

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That's really bizarre. The first slide should always play, yes, but the second one, only if STILL_IN_LOVE, which as far as I know can only happen if you break up with her (not necessarily after the dark ritual).


It's fairly well known, and the Golden Mirror was a well known workaround. This is from the wiki page for Morrigan:


Epilogue(s) acquisition

For the 'ring-epilogue' slide in Origins, a Morrigan who has given her ring must be engaged in conversation the day after her ritual is accepted. This can be done in Denerim: during the gate-breaching first skirmish of the Final Battle; when the quest is updated and the Warden is prompted to speak to Riordan, the conversation will be followed with selection of the final party to battle the Archdemon, and a series of farewells from your companions. If the Warden does not want Morrigan to help battle the Archdemon, the conversation with her should be initiated before speaking to Riordan and choosing the final party. This will trigger the 'ring' slide in the epilogue. Or a ring epilogue can be triggered by a male Warden who wears her ring throughout the final battle despite her breaking off the romance and his refusing her ritual.

The tricky part is how to import the same character to Awakening and get the 'basic' Morrigan slide at the end of that campaign. The problem with the final Morrigan dialogue at Denerim's city gate is that Morrigan will invariably end the relationship, which alters their status to 'Friendly' at most. This is unaffected by whether Morrigan is brought to fight the Archdemon (and says "...always remember you, my love") or doesn't (and says "...live gloriously, my friend"); in either case, the romance is ended by the final conversation.

The way to get around this is to keep the Golden Mirror in reserve (which shouldn't pose a problem, since the item is not required either to engage Morrigan in a relationship or to advance an already-active one). This gift will 'restore' an active romance with Morrigan after their 'final' dialogue (giving the Mirror triggers one more brief conversation) in order to get the 'ring' epilogue. Load the Epilogue Autosave (created when the Archdemon is slain), then go to the Party Camp, give Morrigan the Mirror, and 'rekindle' the romance (see the next paragraph). Then save manually and import that file to Awakening (this will unlock the 'dark-haired sorceress' epilogue slide in that campaign).

Note that (after unlocking the 'ring epilogue' via a final Morrigan conversation, as described above) approaching Morrigan after slaying the Archdemon will prompt her to ask if the Warden is a friend - this will confirm that the romance was ended by the final conversation at the City Gate. When giving the Mirror forces a dialogue, select the "beautiful woman" response to restart the romance. If the romance is restored, she will respond with a giggle or "Your desire?" instead of "What comes, my friend?" and the "[Kiss her]" option will be available.

However, rather than saving a gift for restoring an anticipated 'broken' romance, the simplest method is to avoid any further conversation with her after the Dark Ritual.

There's one line there I can't explain:


Or a ring epilogue can be triggered by a male Warden who wears her ring throughout the final battle despite her breaking off the romance and his refusing her ritual.

I've looked all over the scripts, obviously, and I never saw how wearing the ring could possibly make a difference. Did you wear it?

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Hold on. I think I may have found how it happened.


When she gave you the "I wish to know your opinion of 'love'" speech, did you say "It doesn't have to get that complicated" (need to have slept with her to get this option) to get out of it? I'm seeing that that conversation does two things: clears "LOVE_ELIGIBLE", and sets "STILL_IN_LOVE". The intent was obviously that the romance would remain active but max out at ADORE. But the flag LOVE_ELIGIBLE does nothing - at one point it looks like they were going to have separate flags for FRIENDLY_ELIGIBLE and LOVE_ELIGIBLE, but eventually, they decided that FRIENDLY_ELIGIBLE would serve both purposes, and the use of LOVE_ELIGIBLE was deprecated. So that option would leave you with an active romance, IN_LOVE *and* STILL_IN_LOVE.


In theory, I *should* fix this by clearing the FRIENDLY_ELIGIBLE flag... except that you then couldn't be FRIENDLY, and I don't think that was intended. THIS was the one place where having separate flags for FRIENDLY_ELIGIBLE and LOVE_ELIGIBLE would have been actually useful, but they probably forgot about it, and now it's too late now, trying to make it separate flags now would take a gargantuan amount of work and probably take months to work out the bugs it would surely create.


So, since I can't turn off IN_LOVE without also nuking the possibility of FRIENDLY, I think it's just going to have to have no effect, IN_LOVE continues, and I have to get rid of that STILL_IN_LOVE set, since they really shouldn't both be set at the same time. Will have to see if this happens anywhere else.

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Wow! Obviously being a Morrimancer is the most complicated one possible! (Ironic, considering I had probably chosen the "It doesn't have to get that complicated" option when asked. :tongue: )


I had, in fact, avoided all conversation with her after the DR during my most recent attempt (the one with QDAOUFPBv3.1 installed.)


And I had already given Morri the mirror long before heading to Denerim and the DR. So I'd have to use one of the Give Item haks to get another one, but at least now "I'll know better for next time." :yes:

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