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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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If you did say "it doesn't have to get that complicated", and you ever got tbe ring, you would have gotten the ring epilogue no matter what you did after the DR. But it's good you didn't talk to her after anyway cause that means you should get the dark haired sorceress epilogue in Awakening. Had you broken up, you wouldn't.
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Just ran through all the permutations I could think of based on the Wiki advice above.


Used the "AddItem" mod to obtain another mirror, but giving it to Morri at the Post-Epilogue Camp only gets, "A fine gift". When speaking to her after that, everything indicates the Romance is active. Have: "Approval +100 (Love)" and get the dialogue option to "Kiss her".


But no "Dark haired Sorceress" slide at the end of DAA, and still no "Because I love her" option in Witch Hunt. :sad:

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I would like at least one or two more people to report finishing the game becore releasing 3.1. Totalbalance was only the second and he found a number of fairly significant issues.


I will put a post up tomorrow night on tbe mod page linking to this tbread and requesting progress reports (would do now but I'm in bed and can't post links easily on phone)


Sorry. I do appreciate the patience. I just won't get anotber shot at having a beta.

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-"Now why would I do that? *evil grin*."

Have you no compassion, no pity?
Think of the children!

Have you no shame?
Think of the environment!
The power just wasted reloading and replaying.
Think of all the penguins that could die due to this! :smile:

-"LOGHAIN_IN_PARTY" That's an odd mistake. Probably a perfect example of why interns shouldn't be allowed to touch anything but the coffee maker.


-The mage that surrenders on lvl 2 of the circle...

"fight the darkspawn" is an interesting result. There are no indications of approval changes? It would be a great spot for some.

I "Skipped the Fade" (I love that mod) so what's below might be related to that.

Not sure if you consider this a placeable...

-The lyrium vein behind Duncan in the fade gave a codex entry, but no XP.

-Sten's dream in the fade:

Sten starts off kneeling and then stands.

When selecting the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th conversation options the camera moves and focuses on his groin area as if he were still kneeling.

-Cutscene with Cullen
Sten, Wynne, Morrigan, me

Sten is off screen for the entire conversation. He shows up by himself to say his lines but that's it. The scene is similar to the one upstairs with Irving and he shows up fine there.

A general question. Is there more than one journal quest entry possible for broken circle after talking to Greagoir? I could have sworn I got one very different back in the day. But, I think I tried every conversation option and never got anything different. Maybe it was changed in a patch? Or maybe I'm just thinking of something else....


-It's all looking (and sounding) really good!


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When the Arl of Redcliffe is revived (in his study) is a senior enchanter who states "when the arl is revived" more will show or something to that effect. Despite the Arl already revived.


RE047: The Senior Enchanter described in RE046 will no longer fail to recognize that Eamon has been revived. Credit to AdenYeshua of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


LOGHAIN_IN_PARTY" That's an odd mistake. Probably a perfect example of why interns shouldn't be allowed to touch anything but the coffee maker.

Nah, found it a few times in the game actually. You pick the variable from a drop down list, and LELIANA_IN_PARTY is just above LOGHAIN_IN_PARTY. Whoever picked it from the dropdown just missed by one line and didn't notice, is all.


"fight the darkspawn" is an interesting result. There are no indications of approval changes? It would be a great spot for some.

I agree there should be some, but nope, unfortunately not a hint of direction in the dialogue as to what they should be. As usual, I try to stay away from adding totally arbitrary boosts (I run the risk of unbalancing total available approval even when there *is* direction) so not going to change it. Was definitely work looking for signs of unimplemented comments though, thanks for the report.


-The lyrium vein behind Duncan in the fade gave a codex entry, but no XP.

Eh, this one I'm going to let slide. The others that I fix all had a purposeless script attached, I just detach it and set it up like the vast majority of codex entries are handled. But the scripts attached to the lyrium veins are *not* purposeless - they restore mana. It's actually different for a reason, so I'm gonna leave it that way. Good eye though.


When selecting the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th conversation options the camera moves and focuses on his groin area as if he were still kneeling.

Please hold on to the save game prior to this, as I'm going to ask you to do a quick test on it when v3.1 comes out. I can't test it properly myself without rerunning the whole thing, so I'm basically fixing it blind. I only changed the camera on the lines that follows those 3 responses - if there's more buggy camera work in the remainder of the scene, it'll still be broken. Can't be any worse than it was, but would like to know if I missed something.


CT010: Fade: Fixed some buggy camera work in Sten's Fade sequence (Sten stands up but the camera kept pointing at his sitting position in several paths). Thanks to dgm22 of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.

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As for a different Broken Circle entry, if you talk to Greagoir and basically say you're not sure you want to help and end the conversation before accepting the quest, you'll get a different entry that only lasts until you do accept it. That's all I can see in the files.
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Bann Ceorlic does not deliver his ambient bark when clicked on, instead the conversation between him and Sighart repeats.

LA009: Gnawed Noble Tavern: Made a number of fixes to the dialogues of the nobles in the tavern. They will no longer keep repeating the same conversations over and over, and clicking on Ceorlic will trigger the intended response rather than just repeating his most recent conversation with Sighard. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for drawing the latter issue to my attention.


When Wynne talks about your love interest, if you’re romancing both Leliana and Morrigan you can select either “You know about me and Morrigan/Leliana?” If you choose “You know about me and Morrigan?”, she’ll start talking about Leliana instead. I assume things get even weirder if you throw Zevran into the mix as well.


WY006: Wynne: When Wynne first discusses your romance ("You're quite taken with each other, aren't you?"), if you have multiple romances at the Adore level or better, you can have multiple responses along the lines of "You know about (Romance Interest) and me?". She would talk about the one you picked initially, but could wind up talking about another interest later in the conversation. When you pick the romance interest for her to talk about now, she should stay focused on that romance interest for the entire conversation. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


During Captured!, if you escape while disguised as guards Alistair’s Regulation Sword remains equipped.

CA010: "Captured!": If you escaped disguised as guards, the player's Regulation Sword would be removed, but Alistair's would not be. Now it will. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


There’s some serious wonkiness regarding the Ser Cauthrien confrontation just before the landsmeet. First of all, she’s supposedly surrounded by her soldiers (based on scripting comments, continuity and common sense) and yet during the conversation she is completely alone. If you end up fighting, her soldiers will appear out of nowhere for the battle. If you end the confrontation peacefully, Cauthrien will kneel down and ask for you to spare Loghain. According to the scripting comments her soldiers are supposed to do the same along with her for this moment. Instead they are - once again - never seen and Cauthrien will blip away right in front of you. She has a bark for this moment that goes unused, so it makes no sense for her to disappear anyway.

Eh. Her men are actually all there the whole time. If you trigger the fight and immediately pause, you'll see that they were basically hiding behind the pillars in this room, which is why you couldn't see them during the dialogue. I'm not that worried about this one. Moving all her men to a more visible position and giving Cauthrien and all the men kneeling animations is a lot more trouble for exactly as much gain as we'd have gotten for restoring Carroll to the mage tower - restoring a single ambient line that doesn't add anything to the plot. Not worth the effort, IMO (and I suspect Bioware made the same decision). Sorry.


The option to ask Sten “Do you find ferelden very strange?” constantly reappears, even after having already had that discussion. The followup questions do not reappear, so asking this leads nowhere.

Eh. The followup questions don't reappear *once you've asked them*, but you could ask one, then end the conversation, then come back later for the remainder. If I make the original question one time only, you couldn't do that. And there's no simple way to determine that all the possible responses in a given dialogue have all been used (I took the great deal of trouble to do it for "I wanted to discuss something you mentioned" because new options will open up under it as the game progresses and it is useful to have that question disappear and pop back up as they become available, but that's not the case here, when you know you've run out of options under that line, it really is done, so, don't ask him anymore). Not worth the effort, IMO.


The approval levels displayed do not always match up with their actual approval level for me. Zevran’s approval was at 70 and displayed “Adore”, except he was recognized by the game as being only at “Care”. I only got “Adore”-related dialogue if i bumped it up to 71. A similar thing happened with Alistair, with “Friendly” being displayed despite him only being at “Warm”.

Sigh, yeah, I was aware of this one. I believe it's a vanilla bug, and it happens when you're at the exact breaking point between two levels - for example, exactly at 70. In some code, it checks >= 70, and in others, it's >70. I'll take another look at it before 3.1 and see if I can safely get it consistent (dangerous as hell mucking about with this code, and not easy to test), but not tonight.


If you get caught by Sophie’s guard the camera does not focus on Alistair or Zevran when they say their lines.

I gave this another hour and still can't figure out why it won't focus the camera on them. Might just be the crowded placing and it can't find a good place to put the camera that isn't already occupied by something. I like the stage as it is though, and I don't think the camera issue detracts at all from the scene, so gonna move on (for the record, their emotion is default and there are no animations tied to their saying these lines, so you're not missing anything).


Having played through the game with Oghren now, I think it would make way more sense if he stopped initiating that type of conversation after he’s confessed what’s bothering him. Having him moping and telling you to leave him alone after you’ve become friends, and the player asking “What’s wrong” after he’s already told them what’s wrong just seems odd. There’s no reason for those moments to keep triggering, other than having your relationship with Oghren revert for a brief moment and then go back to “Right here, old pal”.

Agreed. Extended OG014 to cover it, was pretty much what I was going for with that fix, just didn't do quite enough to do it properly. Thanks for the report.

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Okay. I lied. I did it tonight. Sigh. I'm gonna be dead tomorrow. And yeah, I was right, nothing to do with my changes, it's a vanilla bug that probably wasn't noticed much because of the other bug I fixed, the one where your approval level didn't change in the GUI when it should have, not until you had *another* approval change. Anyway...


GL006: Once I fixed the GUI not updating your approval level when you broke into a new range for the first time (see GL001), it became apparent that the GUI would display that you had achieved a particular approval level at 1 point lower than the scripts and dialogues checking for that level. For example, at 25 approval the GUI would say you changed from Neutral to Warm, but scripts and dialogues would still think you were at Neutral, until you got to 26 approval. The GUI will now say that you are Neutral at 25 and Warm at 26, synchronized with the behavior of scripts and dialogues. Note that the approval bonuses conferred to followers are still granted at 25, 50, 75 and 90 approval - I have not changed those because they are not tied to any specific approval ranges directly.

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