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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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I just loaded up an old save, which I believe use MRP (and version 1.1 of your fixpack). In this save Alistair is not going to be King, and Morrigan does not mention him as such (MRP's doing I expect) yet the correct music is playing so it looks like TerraEx must have known how to make it stay intact. Maybe you can ask him/her?


On the topic of the Dark Ritual; It has always bugged me that Morrigan has her weapon equipped during the pre-ritual conversation since the staff points straight down into the bed when she's sitting down, and it's even more distracting if there's some spell effect active on it. Would love to see the weapon removed during this scene, but I suppose that might be considered a tweak rather than a fix.

Edited by sialivi
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Hey sialivi,


Reading the MRP readme, it doesn't make that change. The only mod I know of that does the same way I do is the Alistair Dialog Patch, and I've had no luck contacting Lady Olivia. I added the fix in 2.0, so you should be seeing the line. Are you sure you asked "You don't think I will actualky go through with this?" I'm assuming you're playing a male warden (sorry, I haven't been keeping track). If you're playing a female, you might not see it depending on a few things.

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Typically MODs like this where they're just in no good answer (and may never be one) an installer is used. Though I suspect there hasn't been to many of these situations to warrant one just yet, just know that ULTIMATELY you can give the option to the player. I had a friend on the Bioware forum still have his email he was really good with editing and manipulating some previously thought hardcoded functions I'll try and give him a heads up on this topic.

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Hmm, in that case I don't know which mod fixed that bug cause I don't have Alistair Dialog Patch. Maybe I did at some point and the fix was baked into the save? I'm not completely familiar how and what is included in DAO saves.


This was with a male warden who romanced Leliana, and these were the dialogue choices I made during the test:




The king remark should be right after she mentions Riordan in the vanilla game, correct?

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Thanks for the input guys (sorry haven't been posting, buying a car!). Tinimaus, thabks, i saw those 17 steps but the last thing you said is the key. If it does override the music, then it should be doable, I will give it a try.
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I'm no audio expert, but I took a look around....

-The 3 problem events from morrigan_main.fev are:

231161_m = "I see them girl, much as I expected." Flemeth's 1st line at hut.
235382_m = (you wrote 235832, but I'm guessing that's a typo?) Dark Ritual

and the one I looked at:

231193_m = ".....What say you, scavenger or intruder?" Morrigan's 1st lines in wilds.

...it leads to here....


"D:\Origin Games\Dragon Age\modules\single player\audio\sound"

-It sets up the cutscene with music and soundfx
...it is structured like this = #duck:music,66,0,5000,-60


(music will play without these but soundfx won't, I think it also sets music volume/intensity and positioning).

...and probably has something going on here: audio_categories.fev
D:\Origin Games\Dragon Age\packages\core\audio\sound\audio_categories.fev

....And then here....


"D:\Origin Games\Dragon Age\modules\single player\audio\vo\en-us\vo"

This one plays the dialog events: 148512_m, 148514_m, and 148515_m
...it is structured like this = #music:morrigan_conv


(without these the music doesn't play, and the conv. starts after the 3 events above).

-And it fits right down to the footsteps.

In short, you need both sets for the complete scene. And how the toolset handles that is beyond me.

I hope you find this useful.



Edited, because I forgot to say, that this scene is actually working fine. If you want to see what It would be like broken, just temp move the above files out of the game's path. It's very quiet.


I'll take a look at the other 2 if I get some more free time,

Edited by dmg22
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(Cross-posting from the v3 thread, since this seems to be better for bug submissions.) Went through my notes and my modlist. v3 already implements most of them, but there are a few that might fall under the scope of this mod.

Equipped Item Drops
Every equipped item in the game has a small chance of dropping (unless a specific override flag is set). Some items, notably Chevalier's Armor, can only be obtained this way. But because of this, there are several places where players can get items they shouldn't. Most unique items that people think of as 'rare' have had this oversight and should be made 100% or unobtainable, including:

  • Safety tape 'DO NOT USE' noble clothing
  • Invisible templar gloves and boots (only by friendly-firing the templar in Lake Calenhad -- the hostile templars in Citcle Tower have been set correctly)
  • Sophia Dryden's Shield (looks like they retinted the unique Duncan's Shield but forgot to set it as undroppable, since the tooltip's unchanged)
  • Fade Wall (why would Gaxkang even have a shield equipped? Should guaranteed drop)
  • Robes of the Gifted (should be guaranteed drop)

Dragon Age Rules Fixpack Item Fixes
Haven't looked at it myself, but it seems like there are some item fixes which could be incorporated. For instance:

  • Fixes Legion of the Dead Heraldry to give +3 stats like all other heraldries.
  • Fixes Magebane/Soldierbane to correctly remove mana/stamina instead of adding it.
  • Fixes Repeater Gloves (from Return to Ostagar DLC) to properly gives -0.3s to your aim time, instead of -3.0s.
  • Fixes the bug where swift salve will add 0.9s to your aim time instead of subtracting 0.1s.

More Unobtainable Items
I generally like the way you've done the item restorations. The following items remain unobtainable in game:

  • Shale's Remarkable Diamond (Sold by Garin on consoles, but not on PC.)
  • Shale's Remarkable Garnet
  • Kaddis of the King's Hounds
  • Some generic jewellery gifts
  • Magic Greatsword and Ornamental Sword in Korcari Wilds

Exactly which items should be included is up for debate. Clearly the missing Diamond is a bugged and should be restored.


I'd argue the Garnet should be given a home as well, since (after restoring the diamond and the tattered notebook) it would be the only unobtainable 'companion gift' in the game. Unusually, two Remarkable Rubies can be obtained, one in the Alienage and another in Cadash Thaig. It's likely that this is a mistake and one of these drops should be for the Garnet.

It seems a decision has been made on the greatswords already, although I disagree. If they were cut, why are they still sitting in the creatures' inventories? And this leaves both the major bosses in the area with no unique loot, which always bugged me. (Also, it's not like Ornamental Sword is actually a usable item. It's pretty clearly meant to be sold for cash and seems like a very reasonable reward for beating Gazarath.)

The kaddis was possibly meant to be sold by the Ash Warrior in the Frostbacks, who was cut and is missing animations. Personally, I prefer playing with this content restored, but I can see why you don't want to include it.

Finally, I'd argue that IR007 should be redacted. Gateway Amulet is mentioned in the rewards gda file as a reward from the Lothering Chanter's Board -- it has nothing to do with the Gangue Shade. (If anything, Dead Metal Bucket is the most appropriate drop for the Gangue Shade, with Nugbane being the obvious reward for the Lost Nug, and Dwarven Defender being carried by the Mines Commander. I never understood why the Mines Commander had Nugbane.)

Fade Shapeshifting in Redcliffe
If you complete The Fade:Lost in Dreams (unlocking all shapeshifting forms), then go to Redcliffe and enter the fade, you won't be able to shapeshift again. This seems like an oversight but from what I can tell, it would be tricky to fix. There seem to be a whole bunch of one-time plot-flags associated with fade shapeshifting and I couldn't figure out how to reset them correctly. You might have more success.

Female Human Cocky Voice
There's a perfectly functional 'Cocky' voice for female humans, which for some reason is inaccessible in the base game. This mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1677) restores it.

Blood Mage Confrontation
There was an optional addon to Dialog Tweaks which restored Wynne's blood mage confrontation (the author added a line to Eamon's dialogue so the main plot wouldn't break).

Edited by firepanda
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