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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Wow. Uh. Don't overwork yourself man.


I completely agree with your decisions not to mess with combat or bark scripts. I'm also mostly persuaded on the item changes (still skeptical of Owen's remasterwork though, since it has no dialogue implying it's meant to be good).


It's a bit of a shame you can't fix the staff scaling. I wonder, could you change the rewards script and let everything compile, then delete everything unnecessary, since most scripts that include it don't need staff scaling?


And apologies for the error on Orta's reward. I misremembered the dev comment.

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I see lots of stuff has been written and I'm just a bit behind. Looking forward to reading it.

But, like firepanda says above "Don't overwork yourself."

Unless you want to take a look at these.... :smile:

A few more things....


Exotic Methods quest. There is no quest marker over Lady Broden (or the other guy). I kept clicking on the guy I talked to the first time to finish the quest before the lightbulb went on.


An Unlikely Scholar quest. If you ask for a reward, you receive an item and 100xp. If you say no reward neseccary, no item and no xp. This seems like the same thing as OS002: "The Mabari Hound".

At the Circle tower: Dagna is facing towards the furniture and it looks kind of strange when she says her line.


Jammer's Stash quest. If you pick a wrong item (I think it was the Fluorspar Trinket) from the boxes, you can end up with multiple copies of the stash key. The extra stays in inventory after quest completion.


CT020: "Precious Metals": Due to a bug, if you ever refused to sell the Lyrium to Godwin, he'd forget that you had it and the quest would become uncompletable successfully. Amusingly, the first line this fix restores is: "You still have my lyrium though... and I'm not going to soon forget that.". Heh.

Not sure, but based on the description, what I expected didn't happen...


Your name is godwin, I met a dwarf...
...lyrium, but I bought it...
I'll come back when I think your serious.
conv ends
He's standing there with quest marker
conv start
[was expecting "You still have my lyrium though..."]
got... "hello again...like to talk a litle."
I'm curious why you need lyrium [and I was just saying hello are only options]
Persuade but I'm curious, and I saved you [intimidate line the same]
I'm not going to let this continue
I'll tell gregoire
I've made up my mind
conv ends
[sound effect of him going into closet]
He's standing there with quest marker
conv start
[was expecting "You still have my lyrium though..."]
got... "hello again...like to talk a litle."
I was just saying hello, is only option

-I tried this a couple of other ways and still didn't get that line.

-Continuing on...


do you know you have templar's buying smuggled lyrium?
...talk to godwin...
what will you do about this problem
if you have this all in hand i should go

this results in:
godwin gone
lyrium still in inventory
quest active (but still reads find godwin...)

giving lyrium to gregoire didn't change anything.

going back to rodek...

You can tell him that you completed the quest. This works, but in this type of situation there is a "Lie" indicator on the line. Quest updates but doesn't really fit the scenerio.


After killing Jarvia there are 3 "Jarvia supporters" in Dust town. Their scene doesn't play unless you click on one of them. Might be better if it auto played on proximity?


According to the dialog of Loilinar in the Diamond Quarter. About Oghren; "Instead, they stripped him of all weapons and forbid him from engaging in fights within city limits. If he breaks the decree, he'll be exiled." This also appears in his codex entry.

Oghren has a battleaxe.


OR092: Oghren: Restored Oghren asking to stay with the party after the main Orzammar plot is completed. This conversation is initiated when leaving the palace or assembly after a king is crowned. Note that if you refuse Oghren's request, he will no longer be available to recruit afterwards. This also restores an update to Oghren's codex entry.

Is this the conversation or is there another one later on?:

"So I was thinking. We've come to know each other fairly well during our time in the deep roads...."

This happened when: 1. recruited him. 2. Immediately went to the diamond quarter.
No time in deep roads. No king. +4 or +7 approval change. Hadn't previously initiated a conversation with him. Can't refuse his request. Codex updates: Afterwards apparently having nothing better to do....help end the blight.


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OR092: Oghren: Restored Oghren asking to stay with the party after the main Orzammar plot is completed. This conversation is initiated when leaving the palace or assembly after a king is crowned. Note that if you refuse Oghren's request, he will no longer be available to recruit afterwards. This also restores an update to Oghren's codex entry.

Is this the conversation or is there another one later on?:

"So I was thinking. We've come to know each other fairly well during our time in the deep roads...."

This happened when: 1. recruited him. 2. Immediately went to the diamond quarter.
No time in deep roads. No king. +4 or +7 approval change. Hadn't previously initiated a conversation with him. Can't refuse his request. Codex updates: Afterwards apparently having nothing better to do....help end the blight.


AIIIIGH! THIS is why I wouldn't rush the beta. Thank you for catching this!


Figured out the Godwin thing. Bleah - thank you for catching this too. I *think* sorting out one issue at the beginning will fix the entire thing you posted - but I will test it thoroughly. Thanks for detailing the dialogue choices, extremely helpful.


These move up the timetable for the next release, not sure if it'll be 3.02 or 3.1 yet though.

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AL3206: Alistair: If you gave Alistair his mother's amulet before he mentioned it in his normal dialogue, when he does finally mention it, he'd forget you'd already given it to him. He will now remember and acknowledge it (restoring a previously inaccessible line of dialogue) but only if he believes the amulet you gave him is the same amulet he remembers from his childhood. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


ZE3207: Zevran: If you gave Zevran the Dalish Gloves before he mentioned them in his normal dialogue, when he does finally mention them, he'd forget you'd already given them to him. He will now remember and acknowledge it (restoring a previously inaccessible line of dialogue). Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.



Note that I probably won't be posting much today. Since dgm22 has brought up an Orzammar bug that would push the bug count over 100 (ARGH! Curse you dgm22! *kidding*), I can no longer put off redoing the entire numbering sequence for the readme. I mentioned this before, but it's going to work like this now: Instead of a five character code, it's going to be six characters. First two are alpha and designate the section, as it used to be. The next two numbers are the version number, and the two after that are used to order the fixes within the readme - so OG3002 would be Oghren, Version 3.0, and to be listed after any 01s and before any 03s (there can be multiple of the same last two digits now, if they are different versions). I am actually making sure fixes from version 1.0 and 2.0 are designated correctly while doing this. Version 3.01 is going to be retconned in the future to be known as v3.1 for this purpose, and the next release will actually be v3.2.


This will allow me to insert fixes in the middle of a list without having to resort all the ones that follow. For example, if I have a fix in version 3.1 that in my ordering sequence should go between OG3005 and OG1006, I can number it OG3105. So when I release v3.2, the codes in that readme will be the code for that fix forever - no more having them change every time I add something, and when you guys refer to a fix via a six character code, I can be sure I'm looking at the right one. That's been a nightmare to deal with and keep track of so far, and it'll probably take me all weekend to redo the readme for the new code, but it will save me a lot of headaches going forward.

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At the Circle tower: Dagna is facing towards the furniture and it looks kind of strange when she says her line.

CT3228: "An Unlikely Scholar": Dagna's facing in the Apprentice Quarters has been reversed so that her animation no longer looks like she's thanking the box in front of her when you click on her. Thanks to dgm22 of the Nexus forums for reminding me of this one.


Note that this one won't work if you're applying v3.2 over a saved game where you already entered the Circle Tower.

Exotic Methods quest. There is no quest marker over Lady Broden (or the other guy). I kept clicking on the guy I talked to the first time to finish the quest before the lightbulb went on.

Since a completable quest marker would depend on having an item in your inventory, just like the 2 quests previously discussed in Favors for Interested Parties, there's no good way to implement this that wouldn't cause poor results if, for instance, you destroyed the cure after making it - she'd have the marker, but you couldn't complete the quest. Leaving it as is, a challenging puzzle for the player to solve without any additional help! (Okay, okay, yes, there IS a way I could do these, tracking when the necessary items both enter and leave your inventory - but frankly, both too invasive and tricky - would crafting an item trigger the "item acquired" logic? Would using a lyrium potion always trigger the "item lost" logic correctly? If it does, do I want to add the overhead of having these scripts run every time you use a lyrium potion in combat? Etc. etc. - to bother with for such minimal gain).


An Unlikely Scholar quest. If you ask for a reward, you receive an item and 100xp. If you say no reward neseccary, no item and no xp. This seems like the same thing as OS002: "The Mabari Hound".

This is the one forcing me to do all the renumbering. Curse you, dgm22! Curse you foreeeeevvvveerrr!

Jammer's Stash quest. If you pick a wrong item (I think it was the Fluorspar Trinket) from the boxes, you can end up with multiple copies of the stash key. The extra stays in inventory after quest completion.

Weird, I couldn't duplicate this one when I tested for it (I did see the bug report on the wiki). At least you gave me a specific item to test for, will give it another try.


After killing Jarvia there are 3 "Jarvia supporters" in Dust town. Their scene doesn't play unless you click on one of them. Might be better if it auto played on proximity?

Maybe, but it'd be tricky to add a trigger here that couldn't potentially interfere with other triggers, especially for dwarf commoners, Zerlinda's ambient trigger, if you clicked to talk to someone from a distance and your automatic approach toward them made you enter this new trigger, etc. Can't really call it a bugfix either - perfectly plausible that they want to take you on but are somewhat scared and don't actually do it till you get in their face.


According to the dialog of Loilinar in the Diamond Quarter. About Oghren; "Instead, they stripped him of all weapons and forbid him from engaging in fights within city limits. If he breaks the decree, he'll be exiled." This also appears in his codex entry.

Oghren has a battleaxe.

Yeah, I know. Do you have a workable solution to suggest for this? Cause I can't think of one. He has to be able to fight in Orzammar, such as when Bhelen/Harrowmont supporters attack. I don't want to remove dialogue or codex entries for this as it's part of his lore, even if the mechanics don't account for it.

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Wolf killer, the bow reward from the ironbark quest, has different stats in the console version. I think the console ones make more sense, based on the description

Hmmm... why? The console is just +6 attack, whereas the PC gives it bonuses to beasts and undead. The description explicitly mentions it's accuracy with beasts. Makes me think the PC version has stats more in sync with the description.

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It's a damage bonus, while the description mentions accuracy


The story of this ironbark longbow’s creation has been lost. Though it appears not to have been crafted by a mage’s hand and no trace of lyrium can be detected within it, it has the uncanny habit of sending its shafts through the hearts of the beasts it is used to hunt.

That particular kind of accuracy (through the heart) is going to result In a whole lot more damage. A regular old attack bonus is going to hit more often, but it's doesn't reflect a heart-shot more than, say, a grazing wound. Can't really see the +attack as more befitting.

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