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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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"You asked before about stat dialogues. The merchant in the lothering tavern has a (poison) dialogue (though miriam and her poultice quest and the girl with her trap quest don't indicate (herbalism) or (traps))."


Yah, there are a few skill dialogues floating around in game like that. They work effectively the same as Persuade/Intimidate checks and I consider them to fall in that category. Attribute checks for other than cunning, and the one willpower one you remembered in the mage origin, are still exceedingly rare as far as I can find. As far as trap girl quest goes, you don't see a Trap tag on a dialogue option because you can't even see the "I can help you" line unless you already have the skill.


"As a minor note, I believe the DLC feastday pranks causes the dwarf merchant in lothering to have a quest symbol while IN lothering, which he retains when he joins your camp later."


Thank you for this info! I was wondering what the hell was causing that quest marker. And agreed that it is very annoying. Unfortunately, as it is DLC, I can't do a damn thing about it. Hell, I can't even see what that guy's creature file tag is to try to clear the flag. The toolset won't pull up anything DLC related, and the camp merchant falls in that category now. Even Shale's dialogue file is encrypted, so I can only fix lines for her if they are part of a conversation in someone else's dialogue file. EDIT: I actually did find a spot where I could affect Bodahn's creature file, but I'd also need access to the Feastday plot file, and nope, no access.


I'm ok with only those spiders dropping those items needed for the quest. Wouldn't be the first time in game history, and generally isn't considered a bug.


And yeah, regarding that prisoner food and water, I realized yesterday that my previous fix to make them unstealable after you buy them from him didn't account for the nighttime version of Ostagar, where just like with everyone else, you can steal everything again! I took care of that, and confirmed that you can't steal Hardy's Belt twice from the quartermaster anymore. My fix along those lines only works with unique items though, and I don't think it's a big deal or immersion breaking that the other characters around the camp can pick up a few more coins or minor non-unique items after you cleaned them out during the day while you were running around the Wilds. But unique items? Yes, no doubles on them.

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Oops. Those last 3 fixes I listed about closing the quests from the Korcari Wilds if you fail them are rescinded. They are indeed handled when you first arrive at Flemeth's hut after lighting the beacon.


New fix though:


15. (v3.0) "Last Will and Testament": In v1.0 I fixed the will not being removed from your inventory when you complete the quest by delivering the lockbox to Jetta. Here I am also removing the will if you open the lockbox in the wilds or if you fail the quest by not finding the lockbox before you leave Ostagar. Note that even if you open the lockbox or fail to find it, you can still tell Jetta her husband's fate (and her son's, if you found him as well.) but the will has no further use at that point.


And since you brought it up:


16. (v3.0) "The Hungry Deserter": Although I have previously fixed getting multiple sets of food and water from this quest, it's still possible to get the food and water and then just never give them to him, or kill him and then steal them from the guard, which if you didn't open the chest would leave the food and water stuck in your plot items forever. They will now be removed regardless of how this quest is ultimately completed.

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So I think I've wrapped up everything for Ostagar on this second pass, with the exception of the autosave and battle music things. I could do the autosave, it would just require creating a custom trigger for it, but ultimately any solution is going to require modifying the ostagar nighttime area file. Still have no way to deal with the music though. Since *that's* the case, I am pondering the wisdom of just adding some large placeable to simply block access to the bridge until the battle is ready to start.


EDIT: Yeah, kludgy, but good enough, it works.


17. (v3.0) In nighttime Ostagar, if you stepped onto the bridge leading to the Tower of Ishal prior to the meeting with the King, you would prematurely activate the autosave and loud battle music that was not intended until the actual battle started - and then the autosave and music would not be there when they were needed. There is no easy way to make those things conditional (and I still know of no way to make the music conditional). Therefore, by some bizarre accident, one of the ballistas that was being moved onto the bridge for the battle got stuck between the two statues leading onto the bridge! Damned union contractors. Access to the bridge will no longer be possible until the battle has started.


(For the record, this doesn't cut you off from any looting. All those crates and elfroots and stuff that you can loot near the Tower during the daytime? They're not there at all in the nighttime version, whether you looted them during the day or not.)

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Alright, so here's what SHOULD be the final compiled fixlist for Ostagar:


1. (v1.0) Dwarves can now hear the tale of Luthias Dwarfson. They actually even have dialogue specific to them during the story. (v3.0) More extensive fix. In v2.0 you could ask him about Luthias' tale before he mentioned Luthias. This has been corrected. Also, you weren't supposed to be able to have the Ash Warrior tell you the tale an infinite number of times (which was quite odd given how often he tells you he's in a hurry).


2. (v3.0) You can no longer steal Hardy's Belt from the quartermaster during the daytime, and a second copy from him at night.


3. (v3.0) In Ostagar there are a number of dialogue options that are impossible to see because it requires passing a HIGH check against Cunning (30 Cunning required), which only a specialized rogue much later in the game would ever be likely to pass. Changed them to a MED check (requires 15 Cunning) that is possible to pass that early in the game. Dialogues affected: The Elven Messenger, the Tranquil Mage and two conversation options with Flemeth.


4. (v2.0) You can now interact one time with Alistair after receiving the darkspawn blood quest, which opens up a previously inaccessible conversation about the Joining. After that, he reverts to his normal stringhead responses. (v3.0) Changed implementation - removed the "one time only" aspect. You can now talk to Alistair during the entire blood quest, just as you can with Jory and Darveth.


5. (v3.0) After you speak to the Dying Soldier in the Korcari Wilds, and Jory gets all skeered, Alistair comfortingly reassures all of you: "Know this: All Grey Wardens can sense darkspawn. Whatever their cunning, I guarantee they won't take us by surprise. That's why I'm here." Alistair then spectacularly fails to warn you, even once, about the 5 potentially very surprising ambushes by stealthed genlock rogues in the area. You had ONE JOB, Alistair! All of the code, triggers and dialogue meant for him to give you his warnings was in game, the only thing missing was those triggers actually being placed in the Korcari Wilds area. Alistair should now give you a warning whenever a genlock rogue ambush is imminent.


6. (v2.0) Undisarmable trap in Korcari Wilds can now be interacted with and disarmed (only by rogues with sufficient skill to detect it, of course). Thanks to didymos1120 for supplying the new coordinates. (v3.0) Unfortunately I can no longer find where on the internet didymos1120 gave me his coordinates and had to redo this myself, so if you don't like where the trap is in v3.0, blame me, not him.


7. (v3.0) "The Mabari Hound": If you didn't get the quest before getting the flower, and you choose the reply "Daveth mentioned a reward", you were supposed to still get reward options but due to a bug they didn't appear. Now they will.


8. (v3.0) "The Mabari Hound": The rewards for this quest were strangely implemented. The more money you demanded, the more xp you received, and if you asked for no reward, you got no xp (or anything else) at all. This is the reverse of how rewards are implemented in the rest of the game. The rewards have been fixed so that the amount of xp you receive is inversely proportional to how much silver you request and receive.


9. (v3.0) "The Mabari Hound": Human nobles that only talked to the Kennel Master after getting the flower (completing the quest) and then returned to Ostagar at night would see a "Quest Available" marker on the Kennel Master but could no longer interact with him. The erroneous marker will no longer appear.


10. (v3.0) "The Mabari Hound": Under certain conditions, leaving Ostagar without completing the quest would fail to set the proper Quest Failed closing entry, leaving the quest stuck open in your journal.


11. (v1.0) "The Hungry Deserter": This quest will no longer close with an erroneous entry if you leave Ostagar having acquired the key by feeding the prisoner but without using it on the chest. The quest will remain open, just as it does if you got the key by killing the prisoner. (v2.0) Note that you have an opportunity to use the key during the Return To Ostagar DLC, but that will not close the quest. I'm going to leave this fix as is for now in hopes of finding an elegant solution to that issue for the next version. (v3.0) Six years later, doesn't look like we'll ever get to fix anything in DLC. So, I've added a new closing entry for the condition that you leave Ostagar (i.e. arrive at Flemeth's Hut after lighting the beacon) with the key.


12. (v3.0) "The Hungry Deserter": The only way you got the xp reward for this quest is if you A) gave him food without getting the key, or B) killed the prisoner. Getting xp for killing him was itself a bug, because killing him doesn't technically end the quest until you use the key (or, with my previous fix, leaving Ostagar with the key). You will now get the quest completion xp when you A) give him food without getting the key, B) open the chest with the key, or C) leave Ostagar with the key.


13. (v3.0) "The Hungry Deserter": You can no longer steal the prisoner guard's food and water after buying them from him.


14. (v3.0) "The Hungry Deserter": You could get the food and water and then just never give them to the prisoner, or kill him and then steal them from the guard, which if you didn't open the chest would leave the food and water stuck in your plot items forever. They will now be removed regardless of how this quest is ultimately completed.


15. (v2.0) "Last Will and Testament": Unimplemented rewards for both courses of action in this quest are restored (more money if you open the lockbox, 150 xp if you deliver it).


16. (v3.0) "Last Will and Testament": In v1.0 I fixed the will not being removed from your inventory when you complete the quest by delivering the lockbox to Jetta. Here I am also removing the will if you open the lockbox in the wilds or if you fail the quest by not finding the lockbox before you leave Ostagar. Note that even if you open the lockbox or fail to find it, you can still tell Jetta her husband's fate (and her son's, if you found him as well) but the will has no further use at that point.


17. (v3.0) In nighttime Ostagar, if you stepped onto the bridge leading to the Tower of Ishal prior to the meeting with the King, you would prematurely activate the autosave and loud battle music that was not intended until the actual battle started - and then the autosave and music would not be there when they were needed. There is no easy way to make those things conditional (and I still know of no way to make the music conditional). Therefore, by some bizarre accident, one of the ballistas that was being moved onto the bridge for the battle got stuck between the two statues leading onto the bridge! Damned union contractors. Access to the bridge will no longer be possible until the battle has started.

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Wow great job Qwinn! :thumbsup: I have recently started playing the Dragon Age franchise and been loving it so far :). It is great to see a fixpack is still in development. Maybe I can take a break from playing for now and wait for your fixes :laugh:

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Hey dm00z, welcome! Actually, I'd strongly recommend starting a fresh game if you'll be installing my Fixpack. There's just way too many files affected and too many moving parts for me to even guess where introducing my fixpack into an already existing savegame (which might not have important variables needed by my Fixpack set) might work or break everything. That said, it should be worth starting a new game, I've fixed stuff from the very beginning to the very end!


Back to doing final cleanup of Orzammar:


97. There are four Bhelen supporting nobles in the Diamond Quarter whose dialogue is only appropriate if you're working publicly for Bhelen or made Bhelen king. They will now only appear in the area if those conditions are met.


Cause, yeah, I just made Harrowmont king and killed Bhelen, and the first noble I see says "The Prince thanks you for your support!".


Also, revising a previous fix. It used to be:


24. (v3.0) A male commoner in the Commons would randomly fail to speak when clicked on.


It is now:


24. (v3.0) Under varying circumstances, every male commoner in the Commons and one reveler in Tapsters would randomly fail to speak when clicked on. This was particularly bad if Bhelen was crowned king.

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98, (v3.0) Hanashan and Farinden do not have proper post-King dialogue and, as per scripting comments in Hanashan's dialogue file, will leave the Proving when a King is crowned.

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So I've finally put a pin in Orzammar as well. On to Redcliffe!


4. (v3.0) Two children in the Redcliffe Chantry would randomly fail to speak when clicked on.


5. (v3.0) It turns out that almost everyone in Redcliffe has a reaction to Shale being in the party in their dialogue, but those lines were cut. This is because Shale was originally meant to be found in Redcliffe, but they later decided to make her part of a DLC. Most of the cut interjections really did need to be cut, as they refer to recognizing Shale as being a statue that had been standing around Redcliffe rather than Honnleath. Some of them don't allude to this, though, and they are amusing (especially with the children), so if in the process of fixing dialogues I found a harmless and fun or interesting interjection with Shale, I've decided to restore them.


6. (v3.0) Restored an inaccessible line in a Chantry woman's post-siege dialogue.

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More Redcliffe pre-siege fixes:


7. (v3.0) Due to a scripting error, getting amulets for the knights would not actually improve their morale.


8. (v3.0) Finding the oil barrels but never telling Ser Perth about them would leave the subquest stuck open in your journal and a permanent plot marker on Ser Perth.


9. (v3.0) Telling Ser Perth about the oil barrels but convincing him that it was a bad idea to use them was supposed to close the subquest successfully (including the same reward as using them), but did not do so, leaving the subquest stuck open in your journal.


10. (v3.0) Fixed disembodied Oghren laughing during conversation with Lloyd when he was recruited but not in the party.




(BTW, if anyone's wondering why I've been working on this yesterday and today during working hours, I didn't get fired... just sick as a dog. Bleah.)

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"getting amulets for the knights would not actually improve their morale."


To be fair, they don't need it. I've yet to play where even a single person in the upper area dies in the battle. My party can do absolutely nothing, on nightmare, and the knights and bodyguards kill everything. Very underwhelming.

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