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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Holy crap... that could've been a disaster.


Kaitlyn's sword, The Green Blade that I'm removing from the game when you give it back to her? It's used *everywhere*. Every Templar in Lothering has one. Greagoir in the epilogue has one. Nancine in Denerim. A Broken Circle Templar. It's everywhere. And I was gonna wipe every last one of them out :/


I have a feeling this is why they probably got rid of removing it before release, heh.


Oh well. I'm going to go ahead and make a new version of the sword that's otherwise identical but with a new tag so that it can be wiped out without affecting the rest of the world. PHEW. Glad I happened to find that. I found it when trying to figure out what the hell they're talking about here: EDIT: Better idea, I'm just going to change the tag on the item when you first enter the room where it's found. That should make it distinct from all others and I can grab just it that way.




I think I've looked at every Lothering creature file and cannot find where it is, and looking at the properties of the amulet, it doesn't say it's referenced by anything.

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I think I've looked at every Lothering creature file and cannot find where it is, and looking at the properties of the amulet, it doesn't say it's referenced by anything.


Yeah, the info on the DA Wiki regarding a putative 'Lothering NPC' is wrong, as far as I could determine, and thus should probably be corrected.


When I made my ''restore' the unobtainable items" mod, I think I gave that amulet to Old Tegrin to vend, but I was more interested in just getting the stuff 'into the world' and less concerned with whether it was a fix or not.

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Hiya Sky, glad to see you're still interested :) And thanks for the confirmation, I wasted a good 40 minutes looking for it but was tempted to continue.


You did an unobtainable item mod? Cool... I've been looking at those, but yeah, was only planning on adding them in if it looked like it was a bug (Nugbane, for example). Did you happen to see any that I haven't addressed yet that you think were just bugged? I saw ones like Ornamental Sword and Magic Greatsword in the Korcari Wilds, but restoring those would make three magic 2h swords in the area vs., well, pretty much nothing decent of any other kind of weapon, so it seemed to me they were probably removed intentionally.

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So I actually based changing the tag of The Green Blade in Kaitlyn's quest when the sword hits the player's inventory, since none of the other versions in game can be acquired. Now one oddity in the way this quest is designed is that you can bring up the sword to Kaitlyn if you ever got the *key* to the chest with the sword, OR have the sword in your possession. Well, no other way to get the sword than to have gotten that key, so that second condition is pretty much useless. Thing is, for my purposes of removing it properly, the sword actually has to have hit the player's inventory for the proper tag change to occur. So at least for the initial conversations with Kaitlyn, I'm removing that "ever had the key" condition, and you're going to actually have to have the sword on you to bring it up with her. If I left that part the way it was, then you could do the entire quest chain without ever actually having used the key, give the sword back to her without ever having actually had it, then go and get the sword (whose tag was never changed) from the chest. Which is bizarre in and of itself, and therefore a change I really don't mind making. I'll add a note to that fix so that it's clear.


EDIT: Actually, I'm going to list it as an independent fix, because it kinda is - I was contemplating changing that anyway even before this issue arose:


40. (v3.0) "A Missing Child": Once you acquired the key from Bevin, you could do the entirety of the quest, including "giving it back" to her, without ever having used the key or ever once having laid eyes on the sword to verify Bevin was even telling the truth about it. This conflicts with my previously listed sword removal fix, and doesn't make much sense anyway, so be aware that to bring up the sword in conversation with Kaitlyn, you will actually have to have the sword in your inventory now.


EDIT AGAIN: Wait. Ugh. I just realized. You can SELL the sword to a merchant, then "give" it back to Kaitlyn. That was true in the unmodded game too, but... bleah. I may actually have to switch it to your having to have it in your inventory as well to give it back... my method will still ensure that it gets taken away if it's equipped to a follower. The only reason I didn't do it that way is because you only get one chance to talk to her after the siege. I think what I will do is make it so that if you don't have it with you during that conversation, you can't give it back, but you can still buy it from her, so the player does at least still have an option that gets them an epilogue.

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Ok, phew, got it sorted. Came up with a function that will check if the sword is in party inventory or equipped to *anyone* in the party (the standard functions don't detect the sword equipped to a follower). With that, I arrived at the following implementation for the two sword related fixes:


21. (v3.0) "A Missing Child": Once you acquired the key from Bevin, you could do the entirety of the quest, including "giving it back" to her, without ever having used the key or laid eyes on the sword to verify Bevin was even telling the truth about it. This conflicts with my sword removal fix (see below), and doesn't make much sense anyway. To discuss the sword with Kaitlyn initially now, the sword must have been in your inventory at least once.


22. (v3.0) "A Missing Child": When returning the sword to Kaitlyn after the siege (requires having promised to do so prior to the siege), no attempt at all was made in the scripts to actually remove the sword from your inventory. Internet claims that you needed to equip it on a follower or stash it in a chest in order to keep it were incorrect. The sword will be removed now, but note that you will not get the option to return it unless someone in your current party has the sword, equipped or otherwise. (This is to prevent selling it to a merchant, then giving it back to her.) You only get one chance to talk to Kaitlyn after the siege, after which she will leave, so if you really really want to give it back to her but didn't have it on you during that final conversation, you will need to reload a prior save. You can still offer to buy it from her if you don't have the sword on you.




I did add a new response should you be at that point if you don't have the sword: "I don't have it with me, but perhaps you could sell it to me?" to indicate to the player why they're not getting an option to hand it over.


The really important thing is that this method will have no effect on the two dozen other The Green Blades equipped to soldiers all over Ferelden.

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Hiya Sky, glad to see you're still interested :smile: And thanks for the confirmation, I wasted a good 40 minutes looking for it but was tempted to continue.


You did an unobtainable item mod? Cool... I've been looking at those, but yeah, was only planning on adding them in if it looked like it was a bug (Nugbane, for example). Did you happen to see any that I haven't addressed yet that you think were just bugged? I saw ones like Ornamental Sword and Magic Greatsword in the Korcari Wilds, but restoring those would make three magic 2h swords in the area vs., well, pretty much nothing decent of any other kind of weapon, so it seemed to me they were probably removed intentionally.


I was working off of the list on the DA Wiki, cross-referenced with the mods that were available at the time, and the things I added in 'The Unobtainables' were almost all surely cut content, rather than bugged items. This is copy/pasted from my ReadMe:




Spoilery and Pedantic Details:

– Old Tegrin (store700ar_merchant)

Most of the items added to Old Tegrin are gifts that can be found in the toolset, but not in the game.

  • Armband (gen_im_gift_armband.uti) / According to the toolset, this item was added as loot to a corpse in the Brecilian Forest, but that corpse was not placed in the game.
  • Black Gemmed Ring (gen_im_gift_ring4.uti) / Unobtainable by normal means, per the DA WIki.
  • Diamond Earrings (gen_im_gift_earring.uti) / Unobtainable by normal means, per the DA WIki.
  • Heavy Gold Ring (gen_im_gift_ring3.uti) / Unobtainable by normal means, per the DA WIki.
  • Botanist’s Map of Thedas (gen_im_gift_map4.uti) / This gift is in a chest in Redcliffe Castle during the climax, but in an inaccessible room.
  • Gateway Amulet (gen_im_acc_amu_amu8.uti) / Not a gift! According to the Wiki, this amulet is carried by an NPC in Lothering, and was probably intended to be available via stealing.

– Haven shop Keeper (store_urn130cr_shopkeeper)

Both of the items added to Haven would have been available from a second shopkeeper, if the player killed the first merchant but later sided with the cult. That shop was apparently not implemented in the game, though, and thus the items were only available via the console. I’ve added one of each to the existing shopkeeper’s inventory. Neither is lootable, and both are pricey.

  • Greater Elixir of Grounding Recipe (gen_im_cft_hrb_406.uti)
  • Greater Tome of the Mortal Vessel (gen_im_qck_book_attribute2.uti)

– Garin (store_orz200cr_garin)

According to the DA Wiki, two of Shale’s gifts are not available in the PC version of the game, and can only be obtained via the developer console. I added both to Garin’s inventory.

  • Remarkable Garnet (gem_im_gift_gar.uti)
  • Remarkable Diamond (gen_im_gift_dia.uti)

– Hurlock General (cli600cr_alien_ds_leader.utc)

North Ward (gen_im_acc_amu_men20.uti) / Not a gift, and not available in-game without the developer console, per the DA Wiki. Two different darkspawn carry this amulet during the climax, but is not lootable from either. I set it to be dropped as loot by one of them (the Hurlock General in the Alienage).




And in a separate 'mod' (The Gnawed Notebook), I made the cut item 'Tattered Notebook' gift available, as one of Dog's 'Do you see anything interesting?' items, as that seemed to be the original intent.

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Good stuff! Thanks for sharing!


Of that list, there were three things I had my future eye on: The tattered notebook (just hadn't gotten around to it), the Botanist Map of Thedas (waiting until the climax so I could open that door and see if there was anything else besides the map on the other side, and if there is I may just unlock the door), and possibly implementing that second merchant in the Urn area - hadn't taken a look yet but intended to investigate that.


Oh, and as for Shale's gifts, I read somewhere that there was a bug involved with them not giving the proper amount of approval. Hadn't gotten there yet either, but intended to investigate. I *may* be able to fix that, depends on how encrypted the stuff surrounding it is (though I did find Shale's GUID during Orzammar, which may make it possible for me to do more things with her, and the gift thing is a definite possibility).

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Think I'm about done with Redcliffe, at least until I can wake Eamon up. Gonna work on a few of the personal quests now.


Oghren time!

2. (v3.0) "Oghren's Old Flame": When giving his quest, Oghren would say "I tried to look her up the last time we were at Lake Calenhad" even if he hadn't been recruited yet when you went there.


EDIT: Rescinded, see next post. 3. (v3.0) "Oghren's Old Flame": If you failed the quest by telling Oghren you wouldn't take him to see her, Felsi was supposed to no longer appear at the inn, but due to a bug she still would.


4. (v3.0) "Oghren's Old Flame": When talking to Felsi, you could ask her "What's a dwarf doing working in a bar in Lothering?" Changed to "by Lake Calenhad".




And way back I posted a bit about how, when leaving the Anvil of the Void, Oghren's helm would just disappear mid conversation. Replacing that fix with this:


1. (v3.0) In too many conversations with Oghren to count, but particularly during his personal quest, the viewpoint and camera would jump around and Oghren's helm would magically disappear and reappear in mid conversation. This should happen much less frequently, but if I've missed somewhere, please let me know.

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Hmmm... I'm rethinking this one:


3. (v3.0) "Oghren's Old Flame": If you failed the quest by telling Oghren you wouldn't take him to see her, Felsi was supposed to no longer appear at the inn, but due to a bug she still would.


Because if I do that, I'd ALSO have to do:


"Oghren's Old Flame": If you failed the quest by telling Oghren you wouldn't take him to see Felsi, no journal entry is created and the quest would not be properly shut down.


The effect of those two bugs in the unmodded game seems to be that if you tell Oghren you're not going to take him to her, then change your mind and take him there, the quest proceeds as normal. Considering that regardless of what the intent may have been, I'm not sure how telling Oghren something dictates what Felsi does (stop appearing at the inn) half the world away, I can't be sure that those two "bugs" weren't actually the designers coming to the same conclusion and just allowing the quest to continue after that if the player bothers to take Oghren to the inn, and just didn't document that change at all. So, yeah, I'm going to *not* fix any of that and I will leave it that you can tell Oghren you won't take him to the inn, but she'll still be there and you can still finish the quest regardless.

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Heh, this is a great one.


4. (v3.0) "Oghren's Old Flame": If you didn't previously talk to Felsi when you bring Oghren to the inn, and then agree to talk to Felsi before Oghren does to get information for him, and then you leave the inn before talking to Oghren again, any response you picked would teleport the party somewhere horrible, very probably forcing a reload. If in Lake Calehad, you're teleported to the middle of the lake. If in the party camp, under the world. Oghren will no longer ask you "Well, what did she say?" anywhere except in the inn.


There's a LOT more Oghren fixes coming up, btw. Probably as many as I did for Sten about 20 pages ago.

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