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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Awesome! Glad to hear some of that stuff come of use, even if most of it was useless (and yeah, "major factions" was just my poorly worded way of referring to the main plot locations: Denerim, Circle Tower, Dalish Camp, Orzammar) And yikes that backing down from Wynne-thing was a lot more complex than I thought. The mod I mentioned just put that option back, and I never really looked that far into it. It seemed fair to give the player the option to back out when she threatens you, but if it messes with approval to much then maybe best to leave it be.


About Cullen though... I sort of interpreted the thing that "always worked before" as the dispel-thing and that closing his eyes is not what snaps him out of it, but is meant as more of a "The Cleanse didn't make you dissappear, you're still here!" Anyway, I guess the scene works without it. I just thought it made more sense when I saw that comment. and it sounded kind of cool.

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It all works! Muhahahaha!


Fixes Involving Multiple Companions:


3. (v3.0) Fixed bug where, when a follower gained or lost approval that put them into any new approval category lower than Friendly/Love, the character sheet would not update with the new approval category until the next time that follower's approval changed.




1. (v3.0) Restored a great number of non-functional scripted approval boosts and penalties in Morrigan's dialogues in the Korkari Wilds and inside and outside of Flemeth's Hut both before and after the Battle of Ostagar. Note that you will not be notified of any approval changes until Morrigan is properly recruited, at which point you will be notified of the total accumulated approval gains or losses earned up to that point.



It's all completely seamless now. Yay! I can move on....

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Thanks! I'm checking the other followers to see if any of the others had that issue, and yep, at least one.... and he definitely needs every one he can get:




1. (v3.0) Restored a handful of non-functional scripted approval boosts and penalties in Oghren's dialogues in Tapsters and when first requesting the player's help in finding Branka.


And found one more...




1. (v3.0) Restored a handful of non-functional scripted approval boosts and penalties in Zevran's dialogue when he joins the party.


Those were thankfully easy (as was Alistair), don't have to do any of the gyrations that Morrigan needed.


Leliana and Wynne have no scripted pre-recruitment boosts or penalties.


Sten has a single low boost pre-recruitment, when you tell him you're a Grey Warden... still have to see if there's any way to restore it that doesn't take WAY more work than it's worth.



EDIT: Ugh - scratch that, Zevran is NOT easy... unlike Alistair and Oghren, he doesn't definitely wind up recruited at the end of the conversation, which complicates things a lot, keep getting approval notices even if you send him off or kill him. Bleah. Will work on it a while, see what I can come up with.

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Ok, I got Zevran's initial approval hits working. It did indeed require implementing all the same functionality I had to create for Morrigan for Zevran as well to get it all working properly (thankfully that part was easy, the new code is made to be easily extendable to any other follower, they're just the only two that need it). In addition...


12. (v3.0) Pressing the Tab key after the battle where Zevran is recruited will no longer reveal an invisible, non-interactive duplicate Zevran somewhere on the battlefield.

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1. (v3.0) It is now possible to reach Friendly approval with the Secret Companion. This restores a small amount of potential dialogue that couldn't previously be seen because he didn't have a personal quest to make him eligible for Friendly status. Talking to him in camp after sparing his life will now constitute his personal quest. You will still need to get his approval sufficiently high (76+) to see this dialogue.

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A question: The Alistair Dialog Patch mentions:


"Fixed the broken kiss cutscene prior to making love."


and ZDF says:


-The broken cutscene when Alistair propositions the warden is now fixed. The elf and human kisses were repaired by tmp7704."


Is there something that's actually "broken", like the cutscene doesn't play correctly, or incorrect positioning? Or is there just no kiss at all? Because for prior to the *first* lovemaking scene, the one "when Alistair propositions the warden", there actually isn't a kiss scripted, at all, not even just in scripting comments, but then you get the full lovemaking scene. I think that was intentional. For sleeping with Alistair after the first time, there is a scripted kiss scene, but it's hard to tell if there's anything wrong with them from the toolset alone... it looks like Alistair's hand on the back of the player's head may be placed wrong in a couple of the race's kisses, but it's hard to tell since the player's model has no hair - I'm wondering if it's not intended that it looks like his hand is *in* her hair. Is that the issue that was fixed? I haven't run a female character up to the point where I can see this for myself, unfortunately.... and also, there are different cutcenes for each race... I'm *not* going to run a female character of *every* race up to that point, heh.


EDIT: Ack, nm, the scene where there's no scripted kiss the first time you make love is if you proposition Alistair first, not if he propositions you. Found that code, it does have kisses, looking at them now.


EDIT 2: LOL! Okay, yeah. At least in the toolset, they look broken - in the dwarf one Alistair just buries his face in the player's breasts (and I suppose I'm supposed to think there's something broken about that! Ahem, never mind...) It doesn't look like the dwarf model is actually used in the preview, though, it looks like a taller human or elf model, so that may actually look correct in game. Again, I'm not likely to run through this with all 3 races, so if anyone can point me to videos or tell me what specifically is broken, I'd appreciate it. I haven't been able to find any videos of a broken kiss cutscene on youtube, you'd think there'd be several just for the humor value...

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While I wait for any possible help with that, here's another I've been meaning to get to:




6. (v3.0) One of the first things you can ask Alistair in camp is: "So you said this Arl Eamon raised you?" The problem is, Alistair never says this until you go to Redcliffe. When he jokes about it ("I was raised by dogs"), you can say "That's not what I remember you telling Flemeth.", but those lines were cut from Flemeth's dialogue and no longer exist to be restored. The question has been changed to "So you said you were raised by the Chantry?" (and it is conditioned on his having told you that's where he came from now), and a few other tweaks were made to make the dialogue consistent with that change. Note that he doesn't actually say he was raised by the Chantry prior to this either, only that that's where he was 'before", but that incorrect assumption by the player is the only way to make the question consistent with his response.

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Hmmm... I seem to recall that I was NOT surprised when that conversation happen(s)(ed). I feel like he *had* already said something about growing up as the ward of Arl Eamon prior to our arrival at Redcliffe. But I'm not sure why I think that.


And it's been quite a while since I've played DAO without [Esc]aping through many of the dialogues, and I can't remember when/where I might have learnt that, and I definitely don't want to do another runthrough without Qwinn's Fix Pack v3.0, so I guess I'm no help! :tongue:

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Yes, you *can* get him to tell you details about his childhood prior to getting to Redcliffe - but only by asking him "So you said this Arl Eamon raised you?" But prior to being able to ask that question, he never says he was raised by the Arl - so how did you know to ask that question? That's the bug I'm addressing. Most people probably just assumed he said something previously that enabled you to ask that question and assume they just missed it or escaped through it - but no, he never actually says anything that would logically enable you to ask that question, prior to going to Redcliffe.


It is at least entirely possible to exhaust all dialogue with Alistair in the Wilds and get to the first party camp without ever hearing anything about him being raised by the Arl - he mentions the Arl many times, of course, but never says he raised him. It *was* at one point mentioned in Flemeth's dialogue, but it got cut. If you look at the line in her dialogue: "I know him. He's a good man, respected in the Landsmeet. Of course! We could go to Redcliffe and appeal to him for help!", there is an Editor comment that says "Original -- Yes, I was raised in Redcliffe. The arl was my guardian prior to my joining the Chantry. He's a good honorable man and respected in the Landsmeet,, he would never stand for Loghain's betrayal.". That was replaced entirely - the voiced line is not available. But you can still reply "That's not what I remember you telling Flemeth" when he jokes about being raised by dogs, meaning they cut it from her dialogue without removing these references to it, or adjusting the dialogue to account for the fact that the only thing you can know at that point is that he came to the Grey Wardens from the Chantry.


I've scoured the dialogue for any other mention in the Prelude, and there simply isn't any. You can only find out about it by asking him in camp (with knowledge you don't actually have) or by going to Redcliffe and getting the story there.


EDIT: Oh wow - I just found a spot where Alistair explicitly says he was "raised in the Chantry" if you're a mage. Oh well, I guess that makes my new version of the line not necessarily an incorrect assumption then! At least if you're a mage. For everyone else - yep. Still, it logically works a lot better now than it used to.

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