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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Hasn't been released yet, shade.


And as to compatibility: no, to all 4. However, the middle 2 are predominantly bug fixes and restorations, and those bugs and restorations are also dealt with in my fixpack (though not necessarily in the same way), so they are also unnecessary. The 1st and 4th are a mix of fixes and tweaks. The fixes are dealt with, the tweaks are not. The choice for you when it comes to those is if you want a handful of extra tweaks instead of several hundred additional fixes.

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Hasn't been released yet, shade.


And as to compatibility: no, to all 4. However, the middle 2 are predominantly bug fixes and restorations, and those bugs and restorations are also dealt with in my fixpack (though not necessarily in the same way), so they are also unnecessary. The 1st and 4th are a mix of fixes and tweaks. The fixes are dealt with, the tweaks are not. The choice for you when it comes to those is if you want a handful of extra tweaks instead of several hundred additional fixes.


Perfect, thanks for quick reply. I, actually prefer vanilla game, and I am looking for best bugfix compilation only...

Good to see you back after all those years...

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Leliana section:


26 (v3.0) Fixed a bug in the post Marjolaine conversation where Leliana would not acknowledge a romance with a male warden if he asked "Have you felt this way about another person?"


Also, making a pretty significant change to a previous bug listing:


Previously I listed this:


9) The late game second discussion about spies in Orlais is also very inappropriate for a romanced Leliana and is also now only seen if you are not romancing her.


That is changed to:


9) A second discussion about spies in Orlais that was only available after completing Leliana's personal quest is now available much earlier (i.e. no longer requires "Friendly" or "Love"), but it does now require not being currently in a romance with Leliana, and it offers a second opportunity for male wardens to initiate a romance with her.


Some explanation on that change: In vanilla, this conversation (which is very inappropriate for a romanced Leliana) is predicated on hearing that Leliana is a spy, and that LELIANA_IS_FRIENDLY - but an IN_LOVE Leliana can also pass that check. I believe whoever coded the scripting comments mistook a direction to make it only available to non-romanced characters as requiring FRIENDLY (I've found previous evidence that FRIENDLY checks were originally supposed to check that a romance was not active, but that was changed later). Further support for that is that the HEARD_SPY check is completely pointless as it stood, since you can't get to FRIENDLY without having had the HEARD_SPY conversation, as it is required to initiate the personal quest. There are also a number of flirting conversations available only to males in it that are clearly intended to initiate a romance, though they don't actually do so. Between that and the fact that, after fixing the very broken post-Marjolaine conversation, this left males with only a single conversation to initiate a romance, I came to the conclusion that the above fix as redone is most likely the original intent of this conversation. (most followers have way more than two opportunities to start a romance, let alone only one).


EDIT: Small change - you will be able to get this conversation if you are not *currently* in a romance with Leliana (so if you broke up, you can see it). If you broke up, however, you won't get the flirting options or opportunity to re-initiate a romance.

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27. (v3.0) Restored an unimplemented approval boost that was called for in scripting comments when choosing certain replies during Leliana's confrontation with Marjolaine (prior to this fix, there were no approval changes at all in it).


And I've changed the description and implementation of my main Post-Marjolaine-Fix which dates back to v2.0:


8. (v2.0) Several fixes to Leliana's post-Marjolaine conversation. Most importantly, there was a path through the dialogue that would automatically and invariably start or even restart a romance with Leliana, no matter how badly you treated her the last time you had a relationship with her. This was not intended. The final post Marjolaine conversation will no longer initiate a romance with Leliana at all - what were meant to be conditions checking for LOVE were instead trying to create it. I have added an approval boost at the beginning of this conversation, as there is no other set boost for doing her personal quest, and it should help those who start the conversation at high ADORE be able to see the dialogues that were previously unconditional that now require that Leliana be IN_LOVE.


(One big hint that this conversation was never really meant to activate her romance is that there's no clear way of opting out of it, as there is in EVERY other dialogue in the game that can start a romance).



126. (v3.0) "The Final Battle": The messenger outside of Redclife Castle will no longer say the Queen is inside the Castle if she isn't (example - he would say she was inside if Alistair and Anora are engaged and Alistair is still with the party, in which case she remains in Denerim).

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One more thing, although I support your decision to implement only fixes and not tweaks, I really liked one specific thing from improved atmosphere mod. Party comments (not banters), when you approach certain places in gameworld. If you could make every party member to comment, not only one it would be great. For example, near Lothering quest board, in Circle tower, etc. What do you think?

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I may be the only one saying this, but I actually like the more limited banter checkpoints. I run around the game a lot being a completionist, and alone in Lothring I can exhaust much of Alistair and Morrigan's banter just crossing that one bridge. It would be a bit overwhelming to have everyone comment every time, in my opinion.


One thing that probably wouldn't happen because it is a tweak is the increased party banter *in combat* mod that exists on the Nexus (I can provide a link if necessary). I had no idea the NPC companions had so much additional voiced dialogue until I installed that mod; it makes me suspect that there maybe something wrong with the vanilla trigger chance of NPC companion dialogue during battle. Might be something to check out!

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I may be the only one saying this, but I actually like the more limited banter checkpoints. I run around the game a lot being a completionist, and alone in Lothring I can exhaust much of Alistair and Morrigan's banter just crossing that one bridge. It would be a bit overwhelming to have everyone comment every time, in my opinion.


One thing that probably wouldn't happen because it is a tweak is the increased party banter *in combat* mod that exists on the Nexus (I can provide a link if necessary). I had no idea the NPC companions had so much additional voiced dialogue until I installed that mod; it makes me suspect that there maybe something wrong with the vanilla trigger chance of NPC companion dialogue during battle. Might be something to check out!


You misunderstood me. I wasn't referring to banter (which are plenty, no argument there), but party members commenting places. In Lothering Morrigan says something about chantry quest board. She wasn't talking to another party member. These are everywhere, Circle tower, Orzammar, etc

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Yes, what shades01 is referring to are called party barks in the game files (ironically, the only one who doesn't have a bark is... Dog!). Barks are tied to specific locations - comments on the surroundings, and so forth. I think there's approximately 75 or so such places in game (from memory).


It was actually possible to randomly not get anyone's bark at a given location. I have fixed that - you should always get a bark now (though this fix only works if you have a full party of 4). Beyond that, I don't think I can call a fix. If I were to do any tweaks as a separate install so as to be compatible with my other fixes, this would probably be near the top of the list.

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