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Skyrim Mod Overhaul help


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Ok so I need some help finding a decent complete overhaul set up, first thing first heres my specs:
Intel i5-4690k

Strix GTX 970 4gb

16gb HyperX Savage


I'm looking for my game to look bright, vibrant, beautiful luscious grass and tress. I was looking at the Springtime ENB by xxDiabloxx but i cant get it to install, but something similar like that. I want to maintain 60 fps inside, outside, during battle everything. My setting are all set to high and my AA is 4x instead of 8 to get some fps. But either way i need a complete list of mods regarding to my description of how i want it to look. I use nexus mods, but wouldn't mind manually installing if i can find a tut online.


Right now I have project ENB with Verdant and obviously more, but it just isn't cutting it for me. Let me know thanks!

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I don't get your question really, finding the ENB / mods that will meet your personal criteria is only something you yourself can discover through experimentation.


Nearly every ENB / grass / plant / tree / weather / lighting mod has at least 1 youtube video (sometimes even in 4k) that you can check out, usually with instructions on how to install if you like what you see, so it's not like you have to do much work besides spending an hour thinking up terms to search for on youtube and limiting the results to 2016, or recent months in 2016.


If you want a written guide to hold your hand throughout the process then I have always found S.T.E.P. pretty amazing as a starting point... that is just me though, and I end up mixing and matching / editing most mods until I am happy... it is the only way to get the look I like :wink:


No matter what ENB you end up using, remember they are only a kind of base line / recommended settings I guess. Hit Alt + Enter (as it tells you to do every time you launch skyrim) to interactively adjust it to whatever you want, or more importantly adjust how it looks on your monitor to your eyes.. something that no ENB can even slightly attempt to predict.

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