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No Dialog for Dogmeat


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While playing I dismissed each of my followers near their home base (Clover at Paradise Falls, Butch at Rivet City and Dogmeat at Vault 101) so they wouldn't have to walk through the entire Wasteland and potentially get missed once I return from The Pitt.


After completing the Pitt, I fast travel to Paradise Falls and pick up Clover, then zip to Rivet City and re-hire Butch, and then fast travel to Vault 101.


The issue is Dogmeat has no dialog window.


I click on him and he just barks like he's a normal NPC dog. No zoom in, no dialog, no window, nothing. It's as if he's been downgraded to a non-companion NPC dog.


Searching these forums hasn't turned up anything that could help, and so I'm asking for any advise. I've tried every little thing I could think of. I dismissed all my followers, had only one follower, disabled the extra followers mod and their Essential mod, and even tried Kill/Resurrect/Disable/Enable.


My current load order is


Fallout3 and all DLCs




Streetlights - Wasteland

Apocalypse Armory - DLC Enhancements






Armor Your Vault Suits



Fellout (and all DLC addons)


Can anyone give me advice? Is there a console command to force open the companion dialog window? Something else I'm missing?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shadow3397 - Hello!


It could be caused by a mod. Possibly a problem with having Dogmeat set as essential, I'm assuming the mod EssentialFollowers+Caravans is doing that?


Try turning off your mods & see if Dogmeat can be talked to, start with the obvious potential culprits your companion mods.


Keep unticking your mods until you can talk to Dogmeat. As soon as you are able to speak to him again, you'll know you've found the culprit.


You could also try opening the console (press the key under Esc), select Dogmeat & type resurrect. That could reset him.


You could also try opening the console as above & typing:


resetquest 943ed


By the way, unrelated to Dogmeat, are you using the latest version of Fallout Street Lights?




Because Fallout Street Lights 2.0 includes the Wasteland now & does not need the Fallout Street Lights - Wasteland:




Also, you have ApocalypseArmory.esm but no ApocalypseArmory.esp.


The latest version of Apocalypse Armory is 1.93 & needs both the .esm & .esp to work (the ApocalypseArmory.esp is what places the weapons in game). So unless you've got an older version something is amiss. :)


Latest version here:




A detailed installation guide can be found here:




Hope this helps!



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