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How do people with 200+ mods keep Skyrim stable?


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My old Skyrim with 150 Mods is still stable (CTD happens very rarely, 1 per month or less).

i think the most important thing for a stable Skyrim is: Try to unterstand what the mod is doing and how it does. Without this knowlege it's nearly impossible to create a stable skyrim, but that's just my opinion.

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I concur with Mastian1997 exactly. You have to know if that mod is what you want or need exactly for real. If it's a mod that's a kidder mod or a joker mod, I take it out because its unnecessary and unneeded. ( like crabs cussing and that) As funny as it may seem. I ask myself, Do I really need that mod? It would be just taking up space and chancing some mismatching with another mod or incompatibility altogether. Just small things like that.

Now don't get me wrong there are some kidder mods that are genuinely funny and they are clean as all get out, but some people may use them for kicks and fun and I guess there's nothing wrong with that. I myself won't use them. I would rather not and have a stable Skyrim with 241 mods that match with each other than have mods that are missing files and components.

Edited by Papajack55
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