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Unable to move around the world except on horseback

Six String Razor

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Last night I was playing the game as normal. I fast traveled to a town only to find myself rooted to the spot I was standing. When I tried to move it showed the walk/run animation, but I couldn't go anywhere. My horse happened to be close enough to me to hop on, so I got on and was able to move about as normal. Whenever I got off the horse though I found myself stuck again. I tried getting off the horse in all sorts of terrain including water with no change. I reloaded earlier saves before I had the problem and was still unable to move around. I used the TCL console command and was able to move around freely, however whenever I turned clipping back on I would be stuck, even if I was in mid-air at the time. I also noticed that most of the NPCs were nowhere to be found, and MOST of the ones that were seemed to suffer from the same thing, ie walking in place. I exited the game and verified the game files. Once I did this, everything returned to normal. I'm not really sure what happened, but I thought I'd post my experience here in case someone else out there is having the same issue.
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