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MW skinner


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owk does anyone knows where to find a good version of ?MW skinner???

because it doesn't work on my pc... :angry2: When I try to export a .nif file the program gives a path error :(....or is there another program were I can assign some textures to a nif file??? because this one doesn't work. If I try it with 3d max my mesh will be quite messed up....

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it doesn't work...but hey mabey something else...I figured out why my meshes where pretty messed up when I imported in tcs. That's because of 3d max...seems like max changes the coördinates of the mesh so that's why my heads position was to low in tcs...but is there a way to get them in 3d max @ the right position? If so I can change the textures in 3d max :)

Like this: View Attached Image (third post) You can see that all the bodyparts are in the wrong position...not to mention that some bodyparts are missing or messed up......


EDIT: owk I found this hex editor (or so) program and I hope this will work for assigning the textures to the right bodypart...still I'm having this major problem with 3d max....please help me!

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WHOHO owk Niftexture works! :lol: so If anyone is searching for a texture program use Niftexture...it's very very easy to use....whohoo! I'm Hyperventilating orso :P whoho this is the happiest day of my life! :bleh:
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