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Lightning Legion Assault Armor!!!


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This armor should be found in a crate somewhere in Goodsprings. With 2 suits of L.L. Assault armor, L.L. Assault Helmet, and L.L. Combat Helmet

(armor)30 WG,(helmet)0 WG.

Armor: Medium, Helmet: Light

Armor DT:28, Helmet DT: 8


This armor is in the NCR Ranger Combat Armor catagory, but not faction armor. This armor has modifications similar to Geonox's Riot Armor, because that inspired this.


Note:The lightning bolt and pouch are attatched to this file.


Below is the list of modifications to the armor:

Urban Camo (Splotch) Riot Chest Plate(Like the camo on the Desert Ranger Combat Armor)

A worn softcase fanny pack(on the back of the waist)(Like the one on Geonox's Riot Armor)

The numbers 511 instead of the 08 on the neck plate

A Urban Combat Jacket instead of a Trench coat

2 elbow pads

A white, single dent lighttning bolt on the left shoulder(seen attatched)

Fingerless Black gloves

The left sleeve rolled up to the elbow guard(actually looks rolled up)

A soft case strapped to the left leg.

2 greyish gas containers mounted on the back of the waist on the left side

2 Frag Grenades running down the front, right side of the jacket

The pants are more like combat pants with the whole boots showing and a knee guard on each knee

3 pouches running down the left side of the jacket on the front(attatched to this file w/ lightning bolt)

2 bandoilers under the jacket running opposite ways on the Riot Armor Chestplate( like the ones on the Elite Riot Gear from Lonesome Road)

A harness strap(Like the one on Geonox's Riot Armor)

A modern web belt on the waist with 6-8 pouches on the front

White sripes running down the sleeves(Like on Geonox's Riot Gear)

A combat knife in sheeth strapped to the side of the right boot

Made to look worn, like dings and scratches in the Riot Armor Chestplate


Optional Ideas:


A canteen like on tne Elite Riot Gear

A wrist bullet bandoiler on the right arm

A WW2 Style E-tool and case attatched to the back, right side of the web belt

A WW2 style US Musette Bag on to of the back of the harness



Now the modifications to the Helemt:


Lightning Legion Assault Helmet(Modifications off of the NCR Ranger Combat Helmet)

Green or Blue lenses

Antenna and Flashlight on the right side of the helmet(Like on the Elite Riot Gear)

Base Color to fit the suit itself

Looks worn



Now the Lightning Legion Combat Helmet (Is Re-textured Reinforced Combat helmet)


Antenna and Flashlight on the right side of the helmet(Like on the Elite Riot Gear)

looks worn

Colored to fit armor

The black polarized visor is re-made so that it can be seen through and re-colored a fitting Orange




I'm hopping that these armors and the weapons I posted a while back will be made so I can make the Updated Quest mod:The Remnants!!! :tongue:

Edited by ColonelEcho
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