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How do I force an animation on an actor NPC through creation kit or scripting? (Question about IDLES, sabrecats)


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So a quick question here as I have been looking all through the creation kit for an answer but nothing yet.


I want to play the sleep animation on a rabbit (IdleSleepStart animevent, according to the creation kit animation info). The problem is I can only find PlayIdle package data, and when you use an IdleMarker you cant select basic animations for the Hare.


I HAVE noticed that SabreCats in particular have a special laying down animation for them under Idles. Humans have a ton of animations to choose from. But the hare, I just cant find anything to make him lay down and sleep when a certain time comes around.


My main question is, where is the data stored for allowing the modder to select the sabrecat's idle? How do I replicate this to allow myself to set an idle for a Hare, so he will appear to sleep?


I seem to be getting caught up on these little tiny issues and spending hours just trying to find something that, to me, seems to be so simple and should be so easy to do.

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