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New magic dual casting system


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(Sorry for double post , but i set the previous description...non descriptive...)

I have been thinking about a dual casting variation . Combine different basic spell types for different effect .

Es :

1h fire = flamethrower thing.

2h fire + telekinesis = fire bolt/ball etc based on level / how long you hold .

2h fire+fire = fire whirlwind ( blizzard )

fire+oakskin = firecloak

fire+ward=fire rune/trap

soultrap + fire/frost/lightning/conjure familiar = atronach / reanimate,

oakskin+muffle=shadowform (ebonymail effect ;p) and so on . Most if not all spells can be made this way ( simple logic , right?)


and make magelight harm vampire / dragur and the sort or Disband daedra...

In my opinion it is better (more simple ) than the standard dualcast thing and players can experiment for "new" combinations . some "difficult"/ master or unique spells can freely stay as they are . What do you think ?

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