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Thieves Guild not acknowledging missions


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hi, im doing the myriad of little jobs for the thieves guild, helping it to regain its former glory ect. but often once i do the job, Vex and Delvin (usually Vex) doesn't accept the stuff, i.e. there's no topic that finishes the job (i.e. "that numbers job is cleared up" or whatever).


as far as i can tell they're not acknowledging that i took the job in the first place, as i can pick up a new job where you're only meant to have one at a time.

furthermore, often when i ask for a job after this has happened they'll explain it, i choose the accept dialouge option and then nothing happens, i don't recieve the quest.


i wasn't able to play skyrim for a while, and i was doing jobs before, but when i finally came back this started happening, is it possible this is related to the recent update? i heard that created some bugs


anyway, if it's not a bug that can be fixed, mabye the solution is a little mod/patch that lets you skip the 5 little jobs in each city and just do the bigger jobs.


any help would be appreciated


Edited by omen787
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