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Triggering duels with specific spells on specific objects - what's the best way to do it?


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I will try to be as specific as I can with my questions. I'm new to modding and have been reading around, trying to make sense of it all, but I'm still confused. I haven't written any code yet because I'm unsure of the best way to do this. Basically, what I'm trying to accomplish is the following:

1. When the player casts any fire spell upon a specific object, a fire enemy appears and a duel ensues.

2. When the player casts any frost spell upon the same object, a frost enemy appears and a duel ensues.

3. When the player casts any shock spell upon still the same object, a shock enemy appears and a duel ensues.

4. When the player has defeated all three enemies, in no particular order, a chest appears containing a reward for the player.


- I want each duel to only trigger once so that casting a new fire spell after defeating the fire enemy won't do anything.

- I want each duel to only trigger one at a time so that the player can't accidentally trigger a new enemy with a stray spell.

- I want everything to remain unannounced so that everything that happens is a surprise to the player.


So I have several questions. First and foremost, structuring - how would I want to make this happen? Do I set it up as a quest or is it best to have it happen as individual events? And furthermore, how would I want to script this thing? Something involving the OnHit, I assume? Any particular resources I should look into?


As of now, I don't even know what I should know, and it's kinda frustrating. Any help that could push me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!


EDIT: Just realized I posted this in the wrong section... I apologise for the extra work, dear moderators, but could someone please move it to the appropriate section? x)

Edited by saajveh
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