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Goldenglow Estate Home


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Theoretically, you could own it now by adding yourself to the Goldenglow Estate faction (ID 0002a451). Items inside are probably bound to the faction and not individuals, so you shouldn't have ownership problems. If you do, you can always "setownership" on them.


EDIT: Tested and it works without problems.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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  On 1/30/2012 at 9:55 AM, JanusForbeare said:

Theoretically, you could own it now by adding yourself to the Goldenglow Estate faction (ID 0002a451). Items inside are probably bound to the faction and not individuals, so you shouldn't have ownership problems. If you do, you can always "setownership" on them.


EDIT: Tested and it works without problems.



Yeah so a mod could be done by editing the factions by adding you to the goldenglow estate faction and that the items and chests be added to the player faction. <I might be talking smoke about the items and chests because I am not a modder.> But yeah the only issue I'd still see with that is that the basement and second floor aren't connected and that one has to zone to each area. I'd personally would like it if they were all one zone myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
i think with some scripting it could be done (i cant script don't know how) but if someone scripted an event that was triggered by getting the deed (or alter the event when you talk to mercer/brynolf so that it changes ownership over to the player) as for more mannequins instead of chests and weapon racks that would require the changing of the cell it's self
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I wouldn't mind having several empty properties in every city so you can climb the social ladder. For example, in Whiterum, you have a house in the lowest social sector. What about being able to buy a house in the middle or even ultimately get a linked property in Dragonsreach itself? It would all depend on your standings with the resident faction in each city of course.


As you gain more standing with the local faction, you are given the opportunity to sell the home you currently own and buy a newer property further up the social ladder. If you don't already own a home there, you can just buy a house in the next social district at a slightly higher cost, given that you are not selling an existing property. Your furniture and what you've stored in your current house of course is moved into your new home.


As an alternative, we could have a system like Fable where the old property or even the new property can be rented out for a regular income instead of you living there.


As DiaperGravy pointed out, there are a lot of empty properties in the game that could be used for this.

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  On 2/25/2012 at 4:24 PM, StuartSmiles said:

i think with some scripting it could be done (i cant script don't know how) but if someone scripted an event that was triggered by getting the deed (or alter the event when you talk to mercer/brynolf so that it changes ownership over to the player) as for more mannequins instead of chests and weapon racks that would require the changing of the cell it's self


Still waiting for this, too. This could have been the largest property of the game and why they left that out - future DLC?

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