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Mods that dont harm pc performance


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So I just got Skyrim and so far its been pretty damn fun. It’s my first elder scrolls game. My pc auto detects and puts the graphics on medium and I have just been playing at that. Now I discovered mods today and have been looking and looking at the amazing list of them. So I want to install some mods, but due to my pc I don’t want to lose frames or drop my graphics any lower than medium. So can anyone give me some must have mods that aren’t so system heavy. I would love the 2k res pack, but that isn’t going to happen any time soon. I know I can easily handle the gameplay mods like the inventory one or vals crafting mod, so what I am looking for is any must have for noobs like the 4g ram one or any you can think of that will improve my visual quality a bit, but not cause a massive loss in frames. So far this game looks pretty awesome and I am going to play the s*** out of it. I just want to have the best experience while doing so. Thank you so much btw. My system specs are as follows!

-Windows 7 64bit

-AMD Phenom 9600 Quad @ 2.3Ghz

-8g ram

-Nvidia Geforce GTS 250

-1680x1050 res


So Any help would be awesome. I am reading the s*** out of this game, but there is SO much content I figure asking would really help.

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Echanted Distant Terrain makes your game look a way better without any fps drop, then all the character hd textres like better eyes, armors, actualy only mods that drop fps on my pc are usualy those that edit effects or shaders.


also you can turn off MSAA and FXAA.

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