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Why cant I play with the mods I should be able to play with?


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Okay so I have been trying to troubleshoot this myself for a while now and I just cant seem to figure it out. I get a CTD from just skyim HD I tried lite and even lower resolutions now this would be normal but it isnt the only mod that does that. I have a 1 gb card so I should be able to have many things loaded at once like HD weapons etc but I cant.


I use the latest ENB and 4gb launcher(not the newest for the new patch) and my current game version is the base 1.1

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ENBSeries is actually still meant to be used on Skyrim v1.1 and is untested (by the creator) on v1.3. I have a 560 TI with 1GB of RAM and am also running quite a number of HD texture replacers on v1.1 without any problems. My first question is are you running any graphics card monitoring software in the background such as Rivatuner, MSI Afterburner, etc. If so, try disabling them before starting Skyrim as they may interfere with how Skyrim 4GB and ENBSeries hook in to the game. Next question is are you sure you're launching the game through Skyrim4GB.exe as described in the readme?


As an additional step you can try using GameBooster to turn off any and all unnecessary background processes before starting Skyrim, though this is a longshot and generally only helps with longterm stability (from playing for hours). Additionally, even though the site claims it will help with your FPS it most likely won't. Back on pre HT Intel desktops with less than 1GB of System RAM it made a noticeable difference to demanding games but on multithreading machines with 2+GB of RAM the biggest performance boost it may grant you is only in the lowest FPS areas of the game and even then it will probably only be 1-2 frames difference.

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the monitoring software is being disabled and I am actually using gamebooster to see if that would help, and yeah the 4GB launcher is launching correctly, it does change the process name.

And the thing is this is only trying to use like 3 HD texture replacers, Skyrim HD lite, HD weapons and XCE.

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Give us some details on the CTD. Is it only when you enter certain areas, or a certain area, of the game? Is it as soon as you try to load? If it is specific to a certain area can you use the console to transport yourself there or does that set off the crash as well?
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Its a CTD like most people when fast traveling and then just if i play for like 5 minutes lol, obviously when I turn off skyrim HD lite then it works fine idk I just think I should be able to handle way more then it is I mean I have no artifacting, steady 40 fps idk what the problem could be like there is no way the card cant handle it ya know.


edit: not only skyrim HD though like I can have just HD enabled and it works fine, but as soon as I throw in XCE then it will crash or I can have XCE and HD weapons but no other HD things etc

Edited by rayne58
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Is your system overclocked at all? And are you running RAM faster than 1066 MHZ? Even though the boards for that CPU support faster RAM, the chip itself technically doesn't. It may be worth a shot to go in your BIOS and manually set your RAM to run at 1066 to see if it is a System RAM related issue that only comes up once so much fragmentation has been reached.
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