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Open a door with a terminal


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Hi all


I have a door I would like to open with a terminal. I can get the terminal to display the option, but have not been able to get the door to open.


There are a number different ways I have found in the CK but I still cant get it to work. Looks like the trouble is in connecting the reference to the door.


Anyone got a way to do this ?




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone


Still trying to do this. Anyone got any other ideas ?


One of the selections for the door in its dialog is that it is locked with a terminal. If i could unlock the door with a terminal (like in the vanilla game for doors and safes) that would be great too, but I still can't make it work.




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Hi all


I have a door I would like to open with a terminal. I can get the terminal to display the option, but have not been able to get the door to open.


There are a number different ways I have found in the CK but I still cant get it to work. Looks like the trouble is in connecting the reference to the door.


Anyone got a way to do this ?




have you created the fragment ? have you gone to the door and in the tab LOCK checked locked and in the drop down needs terminal ?


Basically steps are..


a) find a door you can use WITHOUT load data (aka teleport etc. ) lock the door and as above make it so it needs a terminal.




b) find a terminal,duplicate it and rename it to example: mymoddoorterminal now use that to do your stuff so you dont effect all the terminals in the game of that type .

NOTE when renaming and pressing enter you will get 2 popups in the first you press NO and the second YES .


c) place the terminal and open the edit (double click).

d) make sure there isnt any data that ties it to a quest etc. (if so delete it )

e) IF the terminal you are using does NOT have papyrus scripts you need to add what you need.

http://prntscr.com/db8ic0 and http://prntscr.com/db8j2p


Now we have to give it a menu item ...




After clicking NEW we notice that the below fields have opened up



Now in the" ITEM text" field we give it the Menu Item name that we want to see as an option (example : Open Door )

In the " Response Field" we type the message that the terminal gives us back .example: "Opening..."






Now we have to link our door


We click on the properties tab right below our text window (as seen in the last pic )


Click the Add Property in the new window http://prntscr.com/db67cd


Here we added the info in the property window http://prntscr.com/db68h7


and now we have this... http://prntscr.com/db69av


Now we press the " pick reference in render window " and we should see our render window and the crosshair waiting.

If the door is in front of you simply double click on it and you should see it in your properties window .



Click OK and go to the little text window under the menu items text . http://prntscr.com/db6beu


Now we create the fragment .


Type " MyDoor.unlock() "(no quotes ) and hit enter to go to the next line. (in the example you see "MyDoor" because THIS is the name we gave the property earlier and this is what you must use here)

Now Type " MyDoor.setopen(true) " again no quotes and hit Compile.(this is so the door opens when you unlock it )


If you dont get a popup error message you have done everything right .(hit OK and go test it... )

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Here are terminals i recommend since they are blank.

Duplicate and rename one and drag the new terminal to your render window...


Very important !!


For your mod to work for others you MUST also give them the terminal and fragment found in fallout4/data/Scripts etc with their proper folders in tact





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Some tips...


a) you can add more doors to that terminal by adding a new menu item and doing what we did for the first door


b) you can right click on the terminal /select all references and then duplicate and have the same terminal in another location


c) you can also add a LOCK option in the menu if needed


Hence after we did all the stuff we did to unlock a door and came back to the fragment text window we type.






Obviously you need to add a "door closing/locking" script as well :wink:

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