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First attempt at modding. Trouble forcing actor values

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Hello there!


I've made a very simple joke mod in the past for New Vegas, but Im just now taking a shot at scripting. Basically, I'm trying to make a chem that increases your speed in increments of 10% each time you ingest it. But im having trouble figuring out how to change actor values due to the lack of available resources so far and the apparent change in how they're dealt with from skyrim. What is the best way to go about this?


I apologize if this is to noob-ish of a question!

Edited by DairyProduct92
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Have a look at this page. The actor value your looking for is probably SpeedMult.

For the chem i would probably add a magic effect to it and add a script to that using the OnEffectStart event to run the code. This way you can also decrease the multiplier back to normal when the effect wears of by using the OnEffectFinish event.

Edited by LoneRaptor
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