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Freaking mods..


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Uninstalling will not remove your save games.


After you uninstall, go to your skyrim folder. You will see that it only removed vanilla game files and the mods you installed are still there. Simply clear out the folder. and re-install.


Dont forget to go to your saves games folder and remove your ini files as well. Uninstalling wil not remove those. When you re-install and start a new game, regardless of whether you have saves in your folder, it will auto-generate new ini files.

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Hi! Is there any way to remove all mods for your game without messing the whole game up totally or removing you saved files?

I actually bought the game, so if it would have worked i could have done exactly what you said, but it didn't work so when i brought it back to the store to change it they dind't give me a new. So i downloaded it cracked. Does it still work?

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