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WTF is up with all the CTDs???!?


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WTF is up with all the CTDs all of a sudden? I used to play for hours without issues, but lately I've been crashing every 20-40 minutes, almost always when Fast-travelling or, occasionally, when transitioning between an interior/exterior cell.


PC is a Win7 64-bit maching with 6GB of RAM. Was running the game fine until about a week ago. Did they patch something and f*** it up? Because... this IS Bethesda and that wouldn't be the first time that has happened.


Any advice on how I can possibly reduce the number of CTDs (besides never Fast-travelling) would be greatly appreciated.



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do you have skyrim 4gb installed? i had the same problems as you, a crash every 30 mins give or take and now with it installed i have yet to see a crash, and its been like 40 hours since i installed the mod



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It is because the game is currently capped at using 2gb of ram in it's vanilla state and the game requires more than 2gb of ram most of the time. So when it suddenly runs out of ram it just ctds for no seemingly no reason. I tested out all the fixes and none of them worked until i tried the 4gb launcher that allows the game to use 4gb of ram and now i think i have had 1 ctd in the past 40+ hrs of play
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WTF is up with all the CTDs all of a sudden? I used to play for hours without issues, but lately I've been crashing every 20-40 minutes, almost always when Fast-travelling or, occasionally, when transitioning between an interior/exterior cell.


PC is a Win7 64-bit maching with 6GB of RAM. Was running the game fine until about a week ago. Did they patch something and f*** it up? Because... this IS Bethesda and that wouldn't be the first time that has happened.


Any advice on how I can possibly reduce the number of CTDs (besides never Fast-travelling) would be greatly appreciated.




I've tried it but I can't get it working on 64-bit (the file says it has issues with it). :( If anyone managed to get it running on WIn-7 64 LMK how you accomplished it.



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Whelp... now I'm COMPLETELY FUBARed. Can't play AT ALL.


If I try to Fast Travel from WHiterun, I CTD in the loading screen.


If I try to leave via the gate, I CTD at the load screen.


If I *do* make it outside (2 of my 7 attempts), I CTD while running outside after about 30 seconds (before I can even get off the hill).


Disabled all my MODs (even the ones that had been running 50, 60, or more hours without a hitch) but no dice. CTDs are everywhere.


Has anyone tried uninstalling the app and reloading from the installation DVD? Did it help? I see thrads asking for help with non-loading Save game files.


Very frustrating...

Edited by ImagoX
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that sounds more like a corrupted game save...

there is a method to fix that and I think it was in some comments on skyrimnexus.com

here is the 4gb patch from there



wish I made a bookmark for that corrupt file fix. it involved dropping all items but quest items and teleporting into a safe room where you save then reloading and doing some other things.

so it is out there the solution


also could try a roll back to a previous patch

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I have xfired 6850s win 7 64 .

many ctd and purple textures

ive been trying some things, and now I have this anoying flicker, real bad in game menu and around the invenory type screen.

could some of you amd catalist peers

Please Post settings for AA, taselation, vert refresh...ect on down

much appreciated

Also I was using the 4gb mod before the Patch fix/break It was working good you guys who are saying you are still useing it do you have the note in the left top of your initial game loading screen? Mabey I have it installed wrong does it need to be some where specific ? befor it just needed to have the helper dll with the exe .


so ya amd settings and 4gb mod install help please


thanks again

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