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What does Bethesda have against long hair?


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It get even worse, since all the hair mods go for a glossy pattern, or for a Anime pattern.

I do like the anime culture, but really, shiny and soft hair is not very fitting for Skyrim's style


I really like the hair style in Skyrim, it is so raw and rough,not some supermodel hair.

But the lack of long hair is a real problem :wallbash:

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Sure, I'd love to have a ponytail that reached down to my butt, but not if, when watching a bird fly past, I impale my back and my hair bursts through my chest like a snake.

You know, that would be awesome! Thanks for the image in my head ;)


Glad to be of service. ^_^


No, seriously, I did see a very long hair "helmet" once, it reached all the way down to the feet and swished as I walked/ran. It was anime style (purple, shiny, and had spiky bangs) and for my money the effect only broke when I went into a sneak crouch (weird looking folds near the neck, and the hair folded under the legs (because it was following the contour of the body) in a way that would not have worked in real life. Not that Realism is anything I ask of the mods I use, but still.


The mod in question has been removed by the creator (copyright issues, he says) so I'm afraid I can't give an example. BUT, the ability is out there to make something that comes close to what's being asked for.

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Biggest issue is probably the Gamebryo engine.

This gets to the heart of it.


The Gamebryo engine was designed to do one thing and do it well - create an easy-to-use environment for creating static worlds. Bethesda is essentially not a game studio - they are world-builders; they build these beautiful worlds and tack on NPCs as an afterthought. Everything about dynamic composition and the meshes of fauna and NPCs screams afterthought. Look into the engine, build anything with any of the previous creation kits, it's obvious. Back in oh, 05, 06, the University of London picked up Gamebryo as their architecture software of choice.


Hate to say it, but in 04 Source was doing more complex things than Bethesda's trying today. They're still doing that playdough look at Valve, but with this kind of community that wouldn't last long. I'd rather get AIDS than go back to Source modding though, what a nightmare. Still, you want long flowing locks? Already done, plus full cloth simulation in DOTA 2. Seriously, they stopped pushing any envelopes.


Both still suffer from piss-poor AI though. I'd play games made in the original GoldSource engine if the NPCs populating it could flank and cooperate and trick and clever-girl me instead of just giving them one-shot perfect aim and omniscience and calling it hard mode.

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because you'll end up with those gaudy god awful mods from say dragon age 1 and 2 where people have four foot long, dead straight, wispy anime hair down to their knees, in bright fuscia.


theres such a thing as options and such a thing as game setting and tone.


braided long hair with nordic rip off decorations yes, that wont clip as well would be good. but dont ruin the tone of the setting, aka viking-ish, with some darn soul calibre hair.

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