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A Follower who won't get in the way


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I don't ask much. A little companionship, someone to share adventures with... Maybe carry my stuff for me when I get overloaded. Ideally, though, someone who WON'T killsteal or shoot me in the head because she can't find a better angle. Or complain because THEY were too close and got hit when *I* tried to take a shot.


As unpopular and annoying as the Adoring Fan in Oblivion was, I vastly preferred him to the other followers because, when aggro got pulled? He bravely ran away. He didn't get underfoot, and would occasionally surprise me by being behind the door I just spent ten minutes and thirty picks trying to open. In spite of his.... *enthusiastic* speech pack, I find I kinda miss him and his female counterpart from the Oblivion Nexus mods.


If anyone out there is planning any original follower mods, may I request:


The Torchbearer-- the closest equivalent to the Adoring Fan; there to literally hold a torch and occasionally comment on what's going on, and that's about it. When danger rears its ugly head, he leaves the area and/or cowers (and stays out of the way) or basically is perceived as being irrelevant until the bad guys go away or get defeated.


Sentient Luggage: One of the Midas spells (as yet not fully implemented) is a "Summon Luggage" spell, presumably the plan is to have a scuttling box to dump stuff in. (At them moment all it really does is summon a Dwarf Spider, but that's basically a placeholder until it can be finished. Still pretty cool, by itself.) I'd like to have a more permanent version of this, a constant, non-dispellable but mentally inert (and therefore never hostile) thing that I can stuff all my scavenged stuff-- ALL of it. I don't want to have to cut my dungeon-diving short because I can't carry any more in my pockets.


The Porter: A blend of the two, Capable of commenting, but with superhuman carrying capacity. If you're at all familiar with Aaron Williams' RPG-style fantasy comic Nodwick, that's what I want. I want my own Nodwick.


I admit, splitting it up into separate ideas does seem a little odd, but I figure some folks might prefer different options for their gaming experience... A fighter may want the porter while a mage might prefer the luggage (being more magic-y in nature), for example. The point, in the end, is to have fun, right?

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It'd be great to have hotkeys to tell companions "go over there" and "interact with that object/enemy". I'd also like just some basic tactics.

- Be aggressive and use your melee weapon.

- Hang back and use your ranged weapon or spells.


But most of all, I'd just like to take away their default gear so they'll use the better stuff I give them without having to resort to console commands.

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Oh, just about every game I've played with followers/companions has been the same-- except maybe Half Life 2 Part 1, but that was a different relationship-- Alyx shoots, Gordon flashes the light around. Heck, THAT would be awesome enough for Skyrim: Shoot Where I Point (and not at me).
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