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Questions about Nexus Mod Manager


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Hi guys. I am totally new to the modding scene (as a user only.) And I am having some questions about the NMM.


Ok... I dont have the internet at home. I do ALL of my downloading off my totally unlimited data phone. This is how I always do things. Doesnt matter if its movies, music, programs for my PC, doesnt matter...I always download with my phone then move to my PC via USB. Ok so now that we have how I do my downloading out of the way...


Time for my questions...


About half of the mods that I download will actually install via NMM. most will say (for instance) Wearable Lanterns can't be added. Doesnt tell me why just says can't be added. Now of the 50% that get past this part, about 1/3 of them fail to install on the other side. Either I get system.outofmemoryexception, or it will say something else that for the life of me I can't remember right now, while the other small % install fine.


So I thought maybe the issue is with how I'm downloading them. So I tether my phone to my PC (about 60Mbps) download them through NMM and I have the same issues.


So I manually install them. I dont manually install any that require scripts...ever.


Now I am getting the infinite loading screen. It hasn't ever crashed to the desktop. Not once. But what happens is i can always load my game. I can always finish off the dungeon or whatever that I'm in. But as soon as I leave the dungeon, and it goes to the loading screen thats all she wrote. Now I will say my infinite loading screen still has the words in rotation and the smoke in the background never stops moving, but it will sit like that for hours and just cycle through all the things it wants to tell me.


I have searched high and low for an answer to this, and I have found that it's a common issue, but I can't find anything newer than 2013 giving suggestions on how to fix this... I have watched a few of Gophers (or gopher something) videos. Most being out of date, but I still got a few things from one of them. I changed the block size from 256 to whatever it was in his video. This made a little difference. When I am in the same dungeon as a door I can open it w/o being kicked into infinity, but the second I go to leave the dungeon, its infinite screen of loading (not freezing.) I put in around 300 hours of the 360 and when it would get an infinite loading screen, the words and smoke would stop. This is why I'm so confused.


Is there an actual fix for this from 2016? Something where people aren't directing me to use a mod thats already included in skse?


Oh yeah, I already have my settings set to the absolute lowest. I dont use any HD textures or anything... And I have a sneaking suspicion that if I get whatever is messed up with installing via NMM resolved, it will resolve my whole issue.


Ok now that my novel is complete, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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do you meet requirements such as installed skse for mods needing it and having official addons on mods that dont support vanilla?


there also can be something missing in ini files and/or missing depensies

Edited by raven0ak
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ravenOak, thanks for replying.


Yes I have properly installed SKSE. And checked it ingame to make sure it's the most recent one.


And as far as addons, I work in the secondary Android market rooting phones, flashing ROMs, and fixing rushed amateur attempts at doing so for a living. I was in Naval Intelligence in another life, (earlier in my life...just a lifetime ago.) So attention to detail is my repertoire. I make a living on people not paying attention to detailed specific instructions. So yes, any mod I have installed, I have also installed all needed add-ons.


I truly think it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that NMM isnt installing the files it should. There are some that ive researched the proper install method if the mod author doesn't include a readme file. But almost every time I see people suggest it to be installed via NMM. But my issue is NMM will say so and so mod can't be added." So I extract the archive and add the file to my DATA folder. In the same place NMM adds them.


However I always run my mods through LOOT and let it arrange them. I also make sure to always check it for errors. If it spits back an error, I get rid of the mod.



I'm going on 5 days of working on this. I am about to be at the point where I uninstall everything and if NMM won't install it, then I just won't install it. But its a shame. I'd really like to truly learn how to work with scripts... I really want to try the Immersive College. But not until I can find a truly detailed up to date guide or walk through. But if I can't get these issues fixed, I dont know how in the world I'll learn that...


Should I uninstall everything and only install ones NMM will actuality install?

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