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How can i dress people ??


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First of all and again: Sorry for my bad english... i give my very best ;)


Now, after another Night of "tryhard" i finally did it!! I proudly present my new dressed Wife Muiri! :)




Like u see in the Pic she wears now Hide Boots, the Nocturnal Robe without Hat (!) and some nice Jewelry (and still this old Dagger, but i think shes just a little Paranoid cause of her Ex-Boyfriend ;) ) And yes... THIS IS PERMANENT! You can go wherever u want and fasttravel for a week or got some lonley nights drunk at the Bar... You come home, and there she waits, glad that you "solved her... problem" and still wearing this GREAT Outfit :D


So, now i wanna try to explain how ive done this. Its a conclusion (? Dont know how to say it in good english) of 3 different Guides of Modding, so many thanks to Simomax, pil621 and Samutz!


1. of all, download FOMM and get it running for skyrim (jeah, its not easy and this was hard work too...) and download the nice feminin stance-mod for that we have a base to work with. You can find the Mod here: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3788


2. Open FOMM and go to tools and open TESsnip.


3. In TESsnip we gonna open the housecarl_fem.esp and the skyrim.esm


DONT CHANGE ANYTHING IN THE SKYRIM.ESM!!!! I tryed to make some changes with the default clothing and just a single change in a hextech code in the OTFT-Group can f*** up the whole game. So like you go out of your house in Solitude and there are no stairs anymore and you fall down like a hundret meters and die instantly. Than it reloads the autosave and you stand in the middle of nowhere with inviible mountains and crap like this. So dont Change ANYTHING in the Skyrim.esm! Make a copy of skyrim.esm and the housecarl_fem.esp just to go shure you can make it all like it was before you tryed to dress up your wife!


4. If the NPC you wanna change is not in the housecarl_fem.esp just search in the Skyrim.esm in the GRUP (NPC_) for the one (for me Muiri... so NPC_(Muiri) ), highlight the person and klick edit --> copy. Highlight the GRUP (NPC_) in the Housecarl_fem.esp and click edit --> paste.

So now you should got the person in your Housecarl.esp. Shes nearly ready to be dressed up. But here we dont wanna change the standard-outfit, no, we wanna dress her up totally new, so we can change every little thing. Boots, Bracers etc. So u can mix up Deadra Armor with forswornboots and a crappy chef-hat or whatever you like ;)


5. So the next step is: We need to highlight the GRUP OTFT in Skyrim.esm and click edit --> copy. Paste it in the housecarl_fem.esp. So now we should have the GRUP OTFT right beneath the GRUP (NPC_) in the housecarl_fem.esp and there are all the records or subrecords or how theyre called in the pasted OTFT. We need to delete em all. The GRUP OTFT should be empty. Now search in the OTFT in Skyrim.esm for a dress you wanna give your wife. For me it was the nocturnal-clothes so i highlighted the OTFT (NocturnalOutfit), copyed it and pasted it in the GRUP OTFT in the housecarl_fem.esp. So, this is our base where we can just try to get a nice fitting set of clothes. You cant crush the game now anymore, cause now you just change things in the housecarl_fem.esp and if anything goes wrong, just delete the file and it will be fine again.


6. So i recognized, that we need a free FORM ID for our own outfit. I tryed it with 000FFFFF but my game f***ed up like i described before, i think cause in my Skyrim.esm its used for a landtexture or something like that. So i red something about creating new IDs and give my set of clothes the FORM ID 01880001. Why? Just read this site A site we've had to banlist because they continue to spam mod authors with advertising links/forums/skyrimmodding/moddingtutorials/28901-tutorial-making-new-smithing-recipes-pre-ck/#apdxa or just do it like if done it, it works ;) How we change the FORM ID? Doubbleclick the pasted clothing in the GRUP OTFT in the housecarl_fem.esp and there, in the upper right you got the FORM ID. Just change it to 01880001 and click save in the lower right.


7. Now, if you just highlight the pasted Clothing-Set in the housecarl_fem.esp, there are 2 subrecords in the lower left window. One called EDID and one INAM Doubbleclick the EDID and in the upper right, there is the name of this clothes-set. Change it to whatever you like, i changed it to Muirisclothes (look the Screenshot at the end of this post). Click Save in the lower right.


8. Now doubbleclick the INAM Record (or subrecord or whatever this is)... there you got the hex-numbers of your clothes. If you did it like me and chose the nocturnaloutfit it should read in the upper left of the window 52 89 08 00 54 89 08 00. So. These are two things. the first numbers (52 89 08 00) are the nocturnal robe. I just googled some ids and looked up for the clothing IDs. The second pair of nubers is for the nocturnal Hat (54 89 08 00). So, i didnt wanted Muiri to wears this crappy Hat and deleted the hex-number for the hat. I wanted her to wear a nice Jade and Emerald Circlet. So i searched the FORM ID for the circlet, and found it here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Clothing

The Jade and emerald Circlet got the FORM ID 000166d6. Now we got to translate this into the hex-code. I just run up my brain and thought, uh, thats easy. So the hexcode ist just simply D6 66 01 00. Thats simple. The last pair of two numbers/letters of the FORM ID (d6) are the first two of the hexcode (D6). And the second-last (?)of the FORM ID are the the second of the Hexcode, so 66. then 01. then 00. Hope u got it, cant explain it better in english :/ Just read the following, we will do it again, so I hope you will get it ;)


9. In the INAM in your named OTFT-File (here: Muirisclothing) you can put down now all numbers of clothings which you wanna her to wear. So i wrote down the hexcode of the Jade and Emerald Circlet just right after the nocturnal Robe, in my INAM now it reads 52 80 08 00 D6 66 01 00. And now you can go on. Hide Boots? No Problem. I found em here: http://www.gamefront.com/skyrim-pc-item-codes/ with the FORM ID 00013910. I turned the numbers around and wrote em down in the INAM rigfht behind the numbers of the circlet: 10 39 01 00. And so on, i gave her a nice Necklace too and jeah, just feel free to type in whatever u wanna to.


10. After you finished the editing of the INAM, just click on save in the lower right.


11. Now we got to tell our NPC that she should wear our nice clothing-package. Highlight the NPC in the housecarl_fem.esp (here NPC_ (Muiri) and in the lower left window you find the (sub)record DOFT. Doubbleclick it and in the lower right you find the FORM ID. Just change it to 01880001, thats the FORM ID we gave our new clothing-Set. Click on the button to the left of the FORM ID field and the hexcode in the window right above should change. DONT FORGET TO CLICK ON THE BUTTON! I think its very important. Now click on save.


12. Well, now we should be done. Highlight your housecarl_fem.esp and click on File --> save. Just overwrite the downloaded Housecarl_fem.esp in the Data Folder of Skyrim directory.


13. Run the game, BUT DONT JUST CLICK ON PLAY! Click first in the launcher on DataFiles and make sure that all options got a Hook (?). So enable the housecarl_fem.esp and make sure you got enabled the "load loose data"-Option too. NOW click on Play.


14. Perhaps you stand right next to your wife and say WTF ITS ALL THE SAME LIKE BEFORE, HOLY CRAP. Jeah, dont get angry, leave your home and go right back in. The container got to load the new settings ;) So now the clothing should have changed.



I hope i could make clear how to change the outfit of any NPC in the game JUST LIKE YOU WANT with all little changes like jewelry and so on. For if my english was too bad for making all things clear i made 2 Shots of my TESsnip work and here you are.

Have Fun :)






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