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Various Nexus related things from the Skyrim SE launch aftermath


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In response to post #43709665. #43709795, #43710870, #43711415 are all replies on the same post.

arashikage01 wrote: Not sure if this is correct place for this, but I am very concerned about where things are going and would appreciate the thoughts of the modding community, especially from mod authors and Nexus staff.

With the release of SSE it is now clear as I feared that a number of older mods will not run on SSE in spite of official statements that most older mods would just work (which, as a professional programmer I never believed). In the case of SKSE based mods this was expected. I am however, greatly concerned about older mod compatibility. I personally use a number of older mods which have not been updated in some time and are not likely to be ported to SSE because the authors feel the mods are complete, they are busy and can't mod, etc. What will happen with these mods? Will people who wish to use these mods in SSE simply be out of luck?

It seems like we are heading for a scenario where lots of great mods will not be available for SSE for whatever reason but newer mods, or newer versions of mods, will only be available for SSE.

I would greatly appreciate some *detailed* news/explanation/FAQ addressing this issue (or links if they already exist). What kinds of modes will need to be upgraded/ported? Will all mods need to go through the new CK? Just certain mods, like those using BSA? What about scripted mods? What about older mods that work just fine but probably wont get ported?

If I missed news answering these questions I apologize but so far I have been unable to find good answers to these questions, and what info I have found has been unclear.

I would also like to take this time to thank the modding community for all their hard work. Your efforts have greatly enriched Skyrim and made it one of the best gaming experiences ever. Thank you.
blackdawn101 wrote: Unfortunately that isnt really for Nexus to decide or really have any input on. It's entirely dependant on the userbase, and thus indirectly the team/individual whom made the mod you are using. If it's out of date, chances are it wont be updated again.

However, many mod incompatibilities are mainly due to the fact that SSE is running on a 64bit engine, which SKSE is currently incompatible with due to it being 32bit. It is logical to say that many mods whom require SKSE will be compatible when SKSE is update for use with SSE - but that isnt a garuntee.

all you can do is hope!
KiraCura wrote: Hmm.. Ive actually been thinking about this very same issue... I wonder if its possible to get a hold of the mod authors and ask if one of us can go through the process of making their mods 64 bit compatible on behalf of them and of course give them credit. That would seem like one of the best solutions though it would be really hard to get in contact with someone who likely isn't around anymore or has old contact info. It's really just stumping me on how else we're going to get some great mods to come out for skyrim SE... meh. what to do...?
wigpidgeon wrote: I wouldn't worry too much...I spent quite a while browsing the SkyrimSE mods last night, installing all the ones that I liked the sound of...In the hour or two that I was browsing through the mods, another 15 or 20 appeared that weren't in the list when I started looking. New mods seem to be appearing fast, and all the ones I've seen so far are very useful. Yes, there are a couple of important ones missing, mainly SKSE and SkyUI, but once those two appear, I'll be very happy!

I'd also like to thank the great people who put so much time and effort into making these mods, so that my Skyrim experience is more enjoyable, and of course, the guys at Nexus Mods who make installing and managing mods so simple and painless. I don't think I'd still be playing Skyrim if it wasn't for you guys.

Theres no need to hope if apple playing steam games that are made from Microsoft iso is possible I strongly and honestly think we have the power to do this.
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In response to post #43706755. #43706855 is also a reply to the same post.

xcxgamer wrote: so when can we download mod again uk time
Gorgulla wrote: step 1. read
step 2. don't ask questions you've already read.
step 3 Don't ask without doing step 1.

They stated clearly: then we'll shut NMM login and download services off until things cool down.

ok so let me get this right
step 1 get the bleach
step 2 drink the bleach
step 3 done
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In response to post #43709665. #43709795, #43710870, #43711415, #43711535 are all replies on the same post.

arashikage01 wrote: Not sure if this is correct place for this, but I am very concerned about where things are going and would appreciate the thoughts of the modding community, especially from mod authors and Nexus staff.

With the release of SSE it is now clear as I feared that a number of older mods will not run on SSE in spite of official statements that most older mods would just work (which, as a professional programmer I never believed). In the case of SKSE based mods this was expected. I am however, greatly concerned about older mod compatibility. I personally use a number of older mods which have not been updated in some time and are not likely to be ported to SSE because the authors feel the mods are complete, they are busy and can't mod, etc. What will happen with these mods? Will people who wish to use these mods in SSE simply be out of luck?

It seems like we are heading for a scenario where lots of great mods will not be available for SSE for whatever reason but newer mods, or newer versions of mods, will only be available for SSE.

I would greatly appreciate some *detailed* news/explanation/FAQ addressing this issue (or links if they already exist). What kinds of modes will need to be upgraded/ported? Will all mods need to go through the new CK? Just certain mods, like those using BSA? What about scripted mods? What about older mods that work just fine but probably wont get ported?

If I missed news answering these questions I apologize but so far I have been unable to find good answers to these questions, and what info I have found has been unclear.

I would also like to take this time to thank the modding community for all their hard work. Your efforts have greatly enriched Skyrim and made it one of the best gaming experiences ever. Thank you.
blackdawn101 wrote: Unfortunately that isnt really for Nexus to decide or really have any input on. It's entirely dependant on the userbase, and thus indirectly the team/individual whom made the mod you are using. If it's out of date, chances are it wont be updated again.

However, many mod incompatibilities are mainly due to the fact that SSE is running on a 64bit engine, which SKSE is currently incompatible with due to it being 32bit. It is logical to say that many mods whom require SKSE will be compatible when SKSE is update for use with SSE - but that isnt a garuntee.

all you can do is hope!
KiraCura wrote: Hmm.. Ive actually been thinking about this very same issue... I wonder if its possible to get a hold of the mod authors and ask if one of us can go through the process of making their mods 64 bit compatible on behalf of them and of course give them credit. That would seem like one of the best solutions though it would be really hard to get in contact with someone who likely isn't around anymore or has old contact info. It's really just stumping me on how else we're going to get some great mods to come out for skyrim SE... meh. what to do...?
wigpidgeon wrote: I wouldn't worry too much...I spent quite a while browsing the SkyrimSE mods last night, installing all the ones that I liked the sound of...In the hour or two that I was browsing through the mods, another 15 or 20 appeared that weren't in the list when I started looking. New mods seem to be appearing fast, and all the ones I've seen so far are very useful. Yes, there are a couple of important ones missing, mainly SKSE and SkyUI, but once those two appear, I'll be very happy!

I'd also like to thank the great people who put so much time and effort into making these mods, so that my Skyrim experience is more enjoyable, and of course, the guys at Nexus Mods who make installing and managing mods so simple and painless. I don't think I'd still be playing Skyrim if it wasn't for you guys.
Totower wrote: Theres no need to hope if apple playing steam games that are made from Microsoft iso is possible I strongly and honestly think we have the power to do this.


Also they never said old mods would "just work". They said at the very least ESPs would need to be resaved in the new CK. Which is true. They just didn't provide the rest of the details outline in my post in a concise way :P
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