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Lock-out skyrim Xbox one


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Something like a target lock mod? Now,take what I have to say on the topic with a grain of salt,as I'm not a programmer,nor much of a mod author; I've only made a small handful of mods for my own personal use,and I've never published them. That said,a target lock sounds like it would require intense scripting to make happen. Which would mean,from where I'm standing,such a mod would require the Skyrim Script Extender,or SKSE. However,because the SKSE will not be available for console users,due to restrictions placed by Sony and Microsoft,such a mod will likely be impossible for the console.


However,as I said; I am not a competent modder. My information could very easily be faulty. I'm just giving this thread some love in the hopes that someone better informed than I can weigh in on it.

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