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The Male Spectrum of the Modding Community? Better looking men/good followers?


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I love all the female body mods out there. There are tons of unique, voiced followers and sexy detailed armor sets.


I've combed through a bunch of mods and found a few male body mods, but they seem to learn towards the super-muscular and broad-shouldered types. Any suggestions for a less-beefy mod? As far as followers go, all I really know of is Inigo. He's cute and funny, but I'm looking for a little variety. Even if it's not voiced, as long as there's decent dialogue, it's fine. Lastly, armor. Are there any nice armor sets for men that aren't decked-out mega-type tank style?

I hope you can see what I'm going for here... Looking for mods to make men more attractive in general. Do you have any suggestions? Is this the right place to post?

Thank you!

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