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Bleach Weapon request


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Looking for Ichigo's swords and Ogichi's (hollow ichigo)


Firtst Image is the 1 Handed weapons

Black is Ichigo's bankai Zangetsu

Whits is Hollow ichigo's bankai Zangetsu


2nd Image is 2-handed (its basically as tall as he is)

Ichigo's Zangetsu


3rd Image is 2-handed (again as tall as he is)

Hollow Ichigo's Zangetsu



If you couldn't tell hollowed version is basically just the colors inverted of normal ichigo's


If anyone wants to be extra super awesome making the black and white Kimono would be awesome to!!! :D


as always thanks for looking

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I believe there's currently a Bleach weapon 'overhaul' currently in development. It only has a few things so far, but I'd say it's worth a look if you haven't already seen it.
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